Monday, February 23, 2009


Along with our flock of hens we had a big red rooster. He was not like our ill-tempered Banty rooster who, despite his small stature, would puff up and attack at the least provocation. Big Red was a lover not a fighter. Except for one occasion when a yellow rooster wandered over from a near-by farm. There was a battle and feathers flew until the intruder was beaten and bloody and eager to return to his own flock.

My brother and I occasionally captured our rooster to borrow a few feathers for our Indian games. We would tape the feathers to willow sticks for arrows, and arrange them in the scarves we tied around our heads. We tried to be careful with the rooster since we knew we would be in big trouble if he was ever injured.

However, one time we decided we needed more than just a few feathers from his wings. We wanted enough to make a chieftain’s head-dress. So we helped ourselves to the fine black tail feathers…all of them. The poor rooster was mortified at his loss of splendor. When we released him, he hurried away before the hens could see his shame. Later we looked for him and found him clear across the pasture and up on the hill. He had walked through deep grass and crossed a ditch or two to get there.

We confessed what we had done to our mother. Fortunately, she had a good sense of humor and was more amused by the rooster’s self exile than she was angry with us for the making of our head gear. We checked on the bird off and on during the day and were relieved when he finally came back to the barn that evening. Over time the glorious tail feathers grew back. We learned that even our rooster had a sense of pride.


Anonymous said...

i read all this article sentence by sentence, however i feel unclear what u really want to say.(in chinese we say ζˆ‘δΈζ˜Žη™½)。
haha, at least, there is one point i have understand. there are only one rooster among these hens. u and yr brother should protect HIM because if u browbeat beautiful rooster, all other hens who owned the only rooster will become angry to u are yr brother.

Leenie said...

Nothing is Everything: You are right. We should have had more respect for our rooster. But this was very long ago and we were foolish children. We learned then not to bring shame even on the animals of the farm.

Amy Mullis said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. And I see you were a Wii bit smarter than I was and stopped while you were ahead!

I love your rooster story. I'm afraid I have more than enough tail feathers myself!

Linda Sue said...

Oh dear, that poor rooster. My brother decided to paint his bedroom light green and did not have a brush so he cut the white hair tip off of the dog to make a brush- so uncool, it didn't even work and left hairs in his light bulb and a humiliated dog in the corner. Great to see your blog and you!

Anonymous said...

I loved your rooster story Leenie. We had a beautiful glossy black rooster when we lived in the country. A true "gentleman" to the chooks - cultured, refined,if a rooster could be such a thing.Next door's rooster was aggresive,a "bovver boy" of the domestic fowl world.He'd always fly over our fence and attack the rooster and hens. Animals/birds all have personalities, and dare I say can suffer embarrassment. I've seen it! Lovely story, thanks!

Woman in a Window said...

I find myself sad for the rooster. What the heck is wrong with me?

olivia said...

Hi Leenie. :)

Oh my goodness ... both laughing and feeling bad for mr rooster. I'm glad he recovered his equilibrium and came back to the hen house ... lol.