Friday, December 19, 2008



It is said the sense of smell
Remembers longest and best.
So when we catch cinnamon aromas,
Scents of pumpkin pie and roast turkey
We grow all sentimental
For holiday and home.

Or when we are reminded of the darkened gym,
The lighted stage, the cardboard stable
And the glitter glue star;
Or sing shepherd songs of angels in the silent night.
Again we feel the childish anticipation
No matter what our age.

But houses, churches and lighted halls
Would be hollow, empty and even disquieting
Without the warmth of folks we love and know.
Whether dressed in plaid bathrobes and towel turbans
Or just standing near to touch and share.
Our fellow people are
What is our home.

Photo and poetry by me


  1. This is such a moving poem.
    Yes, smell apparently bypasses the brain and goes straight to the heart - or anyway where memory and emotions dwell.
    The most evocative of the senses.
    Am feeling a bit overwhelmed with having Christmas here for 6 people(plus one dog!) in a small apartment with one bathroom........
    Merry Christmas

  2. Heart warming poem.
    Now it is a few opportunity to remember my childhood in daily life.

    World is getting small.
    I can travel to Idaho via your blog.

  3. Love d poem. wish I can write like that ...


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