Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Okay, I know the whole northern part of the United States is in deep snow. So this is probably not amazing to a lot of people. But the storm (see earlier post) that dumped on us all yesterday was followed by 25 mph winds.

View out our window at 9 p.m. Dec. 22

The snowplow came by this morning and cleared the streets. And filled our driveway.

The snow was so heavy Hubby had a hard time keeping the snow thrower going.

Twelve inches on the level. The rural areas are deep in drifts.
Best wishes to all the travelers. And good luck. You are going to need it!


  1. I hope you have a wonderful christmas this year.

  2. Fantastic snowy photographs Leener; have a lovely white Christmas.

  3. I SO remember wyoming winters- going sideways all the way from Laramie to Rock springs, P.I.E. Trucks blinded - going the wrong direction, ground blizzards making mystery out of topography. I remember the sad desperate wild life closing in on small towns and being shot. I remember rubber coated mittens, boots on boots and layers upon layers and the incessant wind. Ahhh, Wonderful wyoming...
    Happy Christmas, stay cosy!

  4. Leenie, thank you for stopping by my blog. I've only just now had time to visit you. I have been catching up on yours, and I like it very much. I can't believe what a whopper this storm has turned out to be for you folks. As a mail carrier, I am SO glad we didn't get hit with it (so far). I've always thought I wanted to live out West. (That was my plan when I graduated from high school because John Denver made me think it was the coolest place in the whole world.) Now I am glad to live in the Midwest. The bad weather is always all around us.
    Hope you have a really great couple of holidays and I will be back to see if you do.

  5. Just like a remember when I was growing up in the ice cycle of a town! (I am scarred for life!) just kidding. Christmas wouldn't be real without monster snow storms!Build a fire, and stay warm!
    Have a wonderful Christmas!(hope to see you soon)

  6. Leenie our worlds look similar!Snow all about! We've a White Christmas!
    May the Spirit of Christmas leaves its blessings on the hearts of you and yours! hugs NG

  7. Pretty impressive snowfall by any standards!

  8. Weather like that is out of the realm of my experience; it never snows here in Adelaide.

  9. Looks like the snow is giving you alot of good exercise :-)

    Merry Christmas to you.


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