Wednesday, March 11, 2009


This afternoon we had dozens of visitors. Some will stay and and some are on their way north. They are a welcome sight after so many long cold months with no birds except the brave crows, chickadees and a few magpies. The robin's song seems to say, "cheer up! cheer up! cheer up!"


  1. Signs of spring are so encouraging. Beautiful birds. That robin looks so inquisitive.

  2. Are those waxwings in the bottom photograph? Isn't it good when the birds come back? I like the thought that whatever happens the seasons go on and on throughout the ages and we have to fit in with them whether we like it or not. There is something about that continuity which fills me with hope.

  3. These birds are mood-brighteners! Thanks! You're exactly right about the robins' song.....I've never thought of that before.

  4. I knew someone would want to know the bird species. I posted this when I did not have time to positivly identify them. I think the little guy with with black cape is a junco and the crested ones are cedar waxwings. The flock at the feeder are some kind of finch. If you know more please feel free to advise.

  5. Lovely photos of your bird visitors!

  6. Tell 'em to slow down. Nothing but snow up here! Snow and cold!

  7. Birds always cheer me up - delightful pictures Leenie.Wishing you a happy weekend.


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