Friday, April 10, 2009


(continued from the previous four posts)
Rather than leave our tree to die a long slow death, we decided to have it taken out. In less than a minute this friend that had shaded doll parties, Ninja Turtle battles and picnics; sheltered birds and cooled our house was down. Inside the tree we found dry wood. We saved a few pieces of the trunk. The rest was fed to the chipper. Not even the stump remained at the end.
We dug a hole nearby and planted a baby maple.
For months I have waited in fear that the new one would not survive the long, hard winter.
Now tiny leaves are emerging. The maple tree is wicking life from the thawing earth a short way from the location of the old birch.
LIFE amazes me.
The end


  1. The resilience. Yes, I hate to see a tree die. Makes me so sad. We had five poplars infested with carpenter ants and no one to help us. We fought them for three years and then had to give up. A barren yard, now. We'll plant apple trees this spring, I hope.

  2. Perfect for Easter, the endless cycle of death and renewal. I wish you a very happy Spring.

    I still miss our old Japanese maple, but we were able to replace it with one of its own off spring.

  3. trees are sad- our plum tree is dieing but I refuse to let it go.
    Thanks for the clarity re: easter- whew- fitting into place now- Thanks for that! Happy egg springish thing to you, dearest.

  4. Lovely signs of new life!
    This is what spring's all about
    Happy Weekend.

  5. I like those little crocus at the end of your story -flowering whatever happens - they make a fitting end. It is always sad to lose an old tree - they have become a friend - but when their time is up it is time to say goodbye and start again. Enjoy that maple.

  6. That's really too bad about the birch but I love how your hopeful buds have given new life. Wonderful story. Thanks for sharing. :)

  7. What a gorgeous tale of a garden - I had to go back and read all five chapters.

    A very organic tale of a family and their garden!!

  8. I like that: "Wicking life from the thawing earth"....good job, Leenie! What beautiful crocuses, too!

  9. New life - renewal. It keeps gardeners going through the losses that occur.Rather than people giving up,our nurseries in South Australia are taking record sales as gardeners replace much of what was lost in our last drought and heatwave.Glad your new tree survived the harsh conditions, and the crocus you featured are so sweet and cheery!

  10. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Are you in Boise? My favorite aunt and uncle lived in Buhl, whereby their son still lives.


  11. Well thats sad that it had to go. Glad there is new life in its place though. Everything comes in cycles doesn't it?


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