Monday, June 15, 2009


Our part of the world has been rained on almost every day for weeks.
The columbines in my garden have thrived; even to the point of becoming giant weeds. They have overpowered some smaller plants and almost hidden the bird bath. The pounding rain has left some flowers bedraggled. Others just soak it up. The wheat fields are doing okay. The potato fields are not. Things are green, but muddy, muddy, muddy.


  1. the 2nd flower from the top seems to be a little out of focus. i have one which i didn't up load here at bloger is a bit focus. and my friend's macro of flowers are clearer. i think that you didn't focus is well or you didn't use a macro lens. the other photographs you have are great. you just miss this one. i hope that you will have more stunning pictures and i hope that you will do great next time. don't worry i will check on you every day. i will be you fan.

  2. And, this kind of weather must not be normal for Idaho at that right? We've had too much rain here, too. Must be a system affecting the entire country.

    That purple and white columbine is lovely....I've never seen one that color.

    I enjoy the landscape scenery, too. Especially, I like that last one with the mountains in the distance.

  3. Your columbines look great. I hope the potato fields can recover from the oversupply of rain. We've had an unusual amount here in northeast Utah, too.

  4. Columbines! Is that what they are called? I've been wondering what their name was since I've seen them here. They are just growing wild on the property and all along the road sides. The only color I've seen though are the peach colored ones. I'm glad you posted those....

  5. Wet but beautiful. Sorry for the potatoes. Think of all those sacrificial fries.

  6. Good commentary to back up some fine photography. Thanks for that.

  7. When it leaves there it comes here. Sigh! Double sigh.

    We are dry rigt now, for the moment



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