Saturday, July 25, 2009


I went to the woods where their mailbox looks like this in December. And this in July. There were fields of wildflowers everywhere. Even though the place was busy with visitors, I still found some quiet spots. I took plenty of photos of water birds and flowers, and was on my way back to my car when I almost crossed paths with a young cow moose.
I had my zoom lens on my camera and took some photographs. She was headed to the marsh for an afternoon meal.
I tried to stay out of her way and still get a few more shots. She ignored me and went about her business. I also had my video camera with me. I put together a two minute movie of Miss Moose that ends when she decided to follow me down the path.
This is post number one hundred! In honor of the event I have changed my blog photo to a more recent picture.


  1. That is a glorious post. Wonderful to share your world.

    We live on a peninsula and do not get the big critter. So glad to see your moose!

    Visit My Muskoka for some little creatures, most with wings, some just angel wings, e.g., the chipmunk!

  2. Cute mailbox!
    You got some great photos of the moose and a nice video. Were those pelicans at the beginning?
    Congrats on the 100th post.

  3. Moose ... but no squirrel?

  4. I love your painting at the top. It's so peaceful. I don't see moose very often, they are very unusual looking creatures to me. There is something sort of comical about them...perhaps the nose. Congratulations on the 100th post, I'm getting there slowly.

  5. Wonderously fun.

    I can imagine you with a grin on your face as it all came together.

  6. The video is great! The music was perfect for it too. Now I want to get a video camera :-) hehe

    I took pictures of cow's this morning too. Mine were of two baby calves; playing around in a field (there were two that were not born yet from the first time I took them in May)

  7. Totally love your new photo and the story behind it.
    Wish I could roam the woods with you,
    the city is too hot and concrete

  8. Congratulations on your 100th post, and your video and music was delightful!

  9. er...were delightful.

  10. Congrats on 100!

    I love, love, love these photos ... and the video is fantastic. The music was perfect too. :)

    You are very talented!

  11. What a beautiful moose! I have really never seen one, so this was extra special to me!

    Thank You


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