Monday, July 6, 2009


Our Family Fourth gathering is over. All our guests have gone home.

The guys blew up every kind of kaboom they could get their hands on.

The boys took care of the smoke bombs and black snakes.

The big guys lit the exploders, fountains and flamers.

The girls enjoyed the sparklers and glow sticks.

Plus there was the gi-normus display in the sky. When it was over our group cleaned up a whole trash can full of debris from the street. Not too environmentaly friendly, I know. Nobody went to the emergency room. We had wonderful food. The cat has finally come out of hiding and--when I finish a few more loads of laundry, re-stock the toilet paper and find the source of the wet-diaper smell--the place will be mostly back to normal.


  1. What fun! My shower was full of dog hair, as the tub is the favored hiding place by both dogs.

  2. Sounds like you all had a great time. I'm glad it was a safe one. Have a great week.

  3. Sounds like a wonderful celebration! We haven't done anything like that since the kids were little. Guess we'll have to wait for grandchildren to spur us on again.

    Great header design! Looks quite professional!

  4. I love the glow sticks...makes me want to go get some and create a masterpiece/photograph of art work with them. I just might try :-) thanks for the idea...

  5. find the source of the wet-diaper smell-

    can you hear me laughing? I found that line worthy.

  6. Sounds as though a good time was had by all.

  7. But you cleaned up your stuff. I saw one nasty family throwing thier firework mess into the lake! GRRRRRRR


  8. Leener- kids make the fourth do-able- otherwise it is just obnoxious...and the dog still freaked will forget until next year- I have to find a hideout.
    I am still not too sure why we are celebrating the fourth- I would rather eat spotted dick than a micky-D.

  9. Sounds like a great time was had by all. glad to hear there were no ER trips!


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