Thursday, August 27, 2009

SIDE TRIPS part nine—Out to Sea

A LONG time ago, when Hubby was stationed at Fort Lewis, Washington and we were living on army pay—that is-- almost nothing--one thing we did for a fun day was to ride the big green and white Superferry from Bremerton to Seattle. We’ve also traveled by ferry from Vancouver, British Columbia to Victoria and then down to Port Townsend. My trip to Orcas Island was a pleasant cruise. It took about an hour and a half as the ferry went from Anacortes to Shaw Island and then on to Orcas. There are the passengers to which the ride has become routine. They play cards or read or sleep. But if it is not too windy and/or cold I like to be out on the fore deck. There is a lot to see such as--
cormorants and other sea birds…
big freighters… sail boats…
goofy tourists… It was late afternoon when the ferry arrived at the island.
The Historic Orcas Hotel is the big building just above the landing.


  1. Fun!!!! I've never been on a boat bigger than a fishing boat. that looks like it was awesome!!!

  2. A fabulous trip!
    I love sightseeing from boats -- so long asI can still see land!
    Glad I could come along -even in cyberspace!

  3. BABE on a BOAT! Nice photo of you especially, all the other pacific northwesty stuff is beautiful as well, and that's why I live here...not for the weather...Not for the non- existant dollar, when will you be moving here?

  4. WONDERFUL! Thank you so much for sharing!



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