Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Yeah, the price of airline tickets was too cheap.  DH and I got on board for LALA Land.  Our son and his family treated us to a day at their favorite beach.  Idaho and the cold seemed SO far away.

The water was clear and blue, though a little salty.

Grandpa helps with the sand castle.

They said, "California's the place you want to be."

The Mom

The Dad

Me and the big sister

It was a great day at the beach.

I didn't write it.  It was nicely printed along the passageway under the Pacific Coast Highway on our way to the parking lot.  But my sentiments exactly.

On a different note.  In my estimation the money Californians spend to make their cell towers to look like palm trees, oil rigs to look like light houses, women to look like Barbie and men to look like Ken--that amount of money--would probably come real close to balancing their state budget.  Just a thought.


  1. Now you have me intriged - did you take any pictures of "cell towers look to like palm trees, oil rigs to look like light houses, women to look like Barbie and men to look like Ken"?

    Looks like you guys had a great time, though.

  2. Sounds splendid. Looks even better. :)

  3. Looks like California Dreaming to me. Time with family is always time well spent regardless where it is. Sounds like you had a ball.

  4. Loved your thought

    but loved the beach even better....getting to be a memory
    It's getting chilly here
    just off to take Prince Buster to hang with his pals at the dog park!

  5. You are so right! UGH! Aren't they a mess.

    But to sit on the beach would be lovely!


  6. NEENER! Loved that! I was pretty sure you had put it there, which you deny...LA would not be my first choice of places to visit unless of course my people were there...I would try to convince them to get out of there-California is a drug.Glad you spent hours on the beach, I envy that!

  7. What lovely seaside photos Leenie.
    I can almost smell the sea and taste the salt.

  8. Good to get a dose of warmth before winter sets in.
    Seeing family is a great bonus. ;)


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