Monday, October 19, 2009


When dawns are long and cool and gray
And birds no longer wake the day
The angle of the sun moves low
And no one dares to mention snow;
I brush the soft dust from my toes
And hide them down inside my shoes.

When noonday sunlight on my skin
Changes from a thick to thin
When youngsters hurry off to school
And cotton gives away to wool;
I have some time for thoughtfulness.
It's autumn that I like the best.

As stated in the sidebar: the photo and the poetry are my work.


  1. birds no longer wake the day...that is SO SAD! I am not in the mood at all but I am glad that autumn inspires you- your poem is fabulouso!
    You probably have a little bit of california sun lingering on your skin. There is no warmth here and the basement is still trying to dry.

  2. That is a lovely poem! I will keep it for when autumn comes back this side. Only, autumn is not my best season - summer is! I love summer - especially the balmy evenings with a warm bergwind - I read somewhere rthat suicide rates are higher when a bergwind blows, and I've never understood that! The bergwind is lovely and warm on one's skin. Anyway, off on a tangent again, Your question about rules for weekword - not really sure, the only rules I know are those that Anne of frayededge explained in her post this week. I have been playing along for 20 weeks but am not sure where it originated - will try to find out... Why don't you play along this week - it is the word BROWSE - leave a comment on Anne's post ...!

  3. You are so talented! And I HATE WEARING SHOES! You are right that time is coming!


  4. Delicious words, beautiful image.

  5. Beautiful fall colors and great poem, too. I love the crispness of an autumn morning. It makes me anticipate the day.


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