Friday, November 27, 2009

Weekword --FEAST

stock photo with Photoshop filters

I am thankful for defenders of freedom throughout the world, especially those who are serving away from home and family during this holiday season. Because of them the rest of us have an opportunity to enjoy our homes and FEAST with our families.

For more Weekword posts visit these blogs, Fruenswerk, e, All I’ve Ever Wanted, Alexandra Hedberg and Wisconsin Bound.


  1. Happy Thanksgiving, Leenie! I have kind of joined weekword this week - in a sideways manner so to speak. Have not quite surfaced yet ...

  2. Absolutely brilliant picture Leenie - says such a lot.

  3. Happy Thanksgiving! Yes, thank God for the men and women who defend our right to gather with family and give thanks!

  4. I really like what you did to the photo, and with a great message too! Now that thanksgiving is over, it's time to get ready for Christmas; the decorating has begun!

  5. That photo is such an interesting one Leenie, and a great way to represent your sentiments.I hope you had a great Thanksgiving, and wish you a happy weekend ahead.


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