Thursday, November 5, 2009

Weekword HOLE--as in JACKSON

Jackson HOLE, Wyoming is, without doubt, one of the most beautiful places in the world. Not that I have been EVERYWHERE to confirm this, but I am not alone in my belief. The place is a little more than an hour from our house and a favorite spot to visit. The valley was named by the fur trappers and mountain men who inhabited this area in the early 1800's. A "HOLE" was their name for a high valley amid mountain ranges, and the valley here was trapper Davey Jackson's territory, hence it was originally named Jackson's Hole, and then later shortened to Jackson Hole.

View of Jackson Hole from Teton Pass, elevation: 8,431 ft (2570 m)

Jackson Hole is the name of the entire valley beginning at the south entrance of Yellowstone National Park and running 60 miles south through Grand Teton National Park.

The town is called Jackson: home of high end art galleries and two outstanding ski resorts.

Downtown Jackson last January

Some of the buildings surrounding the Town Square were the first stores built when the town was established in 1897. In 1920 Jackson elected a mayor and town council consisting of all women, which was the first all-woman town government in the U.S

The Grand Tetons from Jackson Hole, Wyoming

The Grand Teton Mountains rise from the valley floor to 13,770 feet (4198m) and are a scenic wonder that often stop me in my tracks.

View of the Tetons from Pierre’s HOLE in Idaho
The word Tetons, as I understand it, is a French word for “breasts” given to the mountains by lonely trappers. Often local businesses add “Tetons” to their title such as, “Teton Water Works,” “Teton Vision Center,” “Teton Truck Stop.” And then there is the City of Teton. Given the origin of the name I find such labels amusing.

See Linda Sue at ALL I EVER WANTED for more Weekword posts.

My version of Sunset at String Lake in Jackson HOLE


  1. Your painting takes my breath away! More beautiful and dramatic than the real deal! Love Jackson Hole from My childhood days, before it got too hollywood dollar crazed...The entire area is amazing...but your painting - Sweet Jaysus! Damned near lost consciousness. SO beautiful, Neener!

  2. So interesting to get to know a place I had never heard of before!

  3. Wow - beautiful place! Your painting is gorgeous too!

  4. oh i always wondered what one calls those high plateau things in english :) - a hole :)! thanks

    the photos are so beautiful and i hope one day i can visit it- and i'll tell you if i agree with you ;)

    your painting- sigh!
    well i am speachiless!

  5. i couldn't agree more. jackson hole and the tetons are beyond amazing. i went about ten years ago, but it was in the summer. it looks even more spectacular in the winter!

  6. Such beauty! Lucky you to live so near to it. I loved reading all about Jackson Hole and Jackson. Given the name of the mountains it makes sense for them to have had the all women town council.
    Your painting is lovely.

  7. Wonderful photos, but nowhere near as wonderful as your painting - it is absolutely stunning!!

  8. Your painting is absolutely beautiful - a hole never looked so good!

  9. Your painting is just perfect! The first time I saw the Grand Tetons I was 14 years old and I cried because of thier beauty.

    Your photos are beautiful and so is your painting!


  10. I have heard of it, but never seen pictures of it - very beautiful indeed.

  11. Jackson Hole is amazingly beautiful, and one of my favorite places.
    Beautiful painting. You've captured the serene spirit of the mountains.

  12. You can send that painting to me, I will clear a whole wall to hang it on! I plan on seeing that place again real soon! (no cross country with you this year though...bummer) Maybe just a soak in a hot tub on a balcony overlooking the slopes! Awe... the memories!

  13. i haven't been to jackson hole since i was a child (although i have been to the tetons since then), but at that time i thought it magical. your painting confirms that. so fun to find new blogs via weekword!

  14. Beautiful painting, Leenie.
    This post really makes me want to go there!
    Yes, as Linda Sue said
    dramatic indeed.

  15. That Jackson looks like a cold, cold hole! PS Your painting is amazing. When I first scrolled past, I thought it was a photo.

  16. Your painting is just wonderful. I also enjoyed the history and photos, and the fact that an all female council was operating in those early days of the town.A fascinating and picturesque post!

  17. We love your painting! My son and I were admiring it together. And I am absolutely in awe of the women taking control of the town politics the very year that women won the right to vote!

  18. What an amazing place - I was stunned watching a TV series of Yellowstone so what it must be like to live in that area I can't image. Your painting is gorgeous too, so full of light.

  19. My first time to Jackson Hole was a drive thru excursion on my way to our home in Dillon, MT. I love your photography, but love your paintings more. I'm thrilled to already own a piece of your artwork and hope to own additional pieces in the future.


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