Monday, February 15, 2010


As a favor to the fishermen in our house this is a post to display a recent catch. The guys went ice fishing in Montana and spent the day bringing in their legal limit of trout. All of the fish were large. The biggest weighed in at just under three pounds. It was a good day for the guys, bad day for the fish.

The ones they brought home were all rainbow and brown trout.

They are beautiful creatures. I have mixed feelings about them not swimming free in the lake--yet knowing their salmon colored fillets will soon be grilled with lemon pepper and a dusting of corn meal, and served with a wedge of fresh lemon.


  1. OH WOW those are beauties! We never caught them that big! YUM!

  2. If only I could come to dinner with you!!

  3. If you are what you eat- just think how healthy and gorgeous you might be after your feast. These fish are the epitome of everything good - natures abundance, unspoiled water- Oh, I could just ramble all day about the glories of these fishies- they obviously lived good fishie lives and took care of themselves-No evidence of intemperance there!Like gems, they are!

  4. Oh what beauties! Well worth a post :) I don't understand the urge to, or excitement of fishing (except perhaps for the beautiful places one goes to do it - lakes, rivers, the ocean - but then I'd rather just go there, and have a picnic) I do, however, love fish on a plate.

  5. I agree with Linda Sue
    that these fish are very YUM indeed.
    I am not a vegetarian
    but feel bad for animals in a vague sort of way....
    They look so beautiful in the photo

  6. Looks like they had a great time at Hebgen. Lovely picture.

  7. So healthy! Healthy food, from the fresh outdoors.It seems like trout aren't an endangered species in your part of the world, so I'd say enjoy the beauty that Nature provides. You are all so appreciative of the wonder and goodness of these fish - I would be too! Yum!

  8. beautiful and yummy!
    bon appetit!


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