Monday, February 22, 2010


What I wore to work today.
Which is probably why they keep me in the back and never let me talk to customers.

It's so nice to be insane.
No one asks you to explain.


  1. You are too valuable to be put out with the common folks. Love the stockings.

  2. Love your socks! Winter has returned to us 5* again. March is just next week and we are not ready for it.

    The farmers in our area are getting really concerned that they won't be able to get the ground ready in time for planting.


  3. Those socks! Can't beat them...with a stick! If those were under my bed I would have good reason to not let my limbs dangle ...scary clowns YIKES but the colours are great...Love your shoes, a little more than I love your socks...

  4. I buy socks like that for my husband ..... and he wears them!! Good fun - just the thing for a Monday morning!!

  5. Those are some spooky socks! Awesome! Sanity is so overrated anyway. It's so normal, so boring. Not that I would know.

  6. ok, so were your pants really that short? that would have been a kick watching you walk around with that much of the sock showing! How much work did you get done :-) Vs. how much talking did you do about your socks....hahaha

  7. Good for you! I want a pair like that! I'd wear them to bed if it didn't mean that my husband would never sleep with me again.

  8. Hey, what work do you do? I think any profession can benefit by a bit of clownish behaviour! PS The older I get the less I worry about whether people think I am a bit mad. Yesterday, for example, I SCREAMED a LOUD scream. It had to do with the building operations nextdoor, which we have been tolerating for almost two years now. WIthout complaint. The builders had left the site for the day, but there was this long black heavy plastic ribbon they had left hanging; the wind picked up, and so for over three hours we had to listen to this: thwack, THWACK, thwack-thwack-thwack, THWACK (repeat x trillion) - from a distance of 2 metres away. So near, yet just too far away for me to be able to use a broom to try and force the Plastic Ribbon from Hel back into submission. I tried, believe me. Well, it literally drove me mad - and I emitted this loud and piercing yell. It felt so satisfying. L'USband and Snous scuttled back into the house. Then I put on Bach's Cello Suites loudly to drown out the noise. The thwacking noise, not the yell. It helped a little. What helped more was probably the two glasses of red L'Usband poured to calm me down.


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