Thursday, May 20, 2010


Sometimes I like to go into the forest alone.

Away from people noises--

Just the woods and the sun--

Not always safe--

No conversations--

--no decisions but my own.

I am--


Visit Linda Sue at All I Ever Wanted for more HIDING posts.


  1. Hide all you want, as long as you take gorgeous pictures like these. Enjoy your foray into nature!

  2. I'm like you, I need to be away...away from the maddingly loud crowd of people that so many crave.

    Your photos are great. That is one big bear!

    I go up to the upper end of our place and 'hide'


  3. It wasn't until I had my camera that I would go out into the countryside on my own. (But nowhere near as remote as you must be.) It is a wonderful feeling. So glad you take your camera with you too.

  4. Fantabulous pictures!! I love wandering about alone, as well.
    The bear print---scary! Girl, a cell phone won't do you any good. :)

  5. I love where you hide- beautiful aloneness...the paw print is a bit unnerving..It has been a very long time since I have ventured out into the wilderness alone- the only thing that I would hide from is another person I think...people are creepy.

  6. Oh wow..these are stunning Leenie!! I so identify with you- love the way you put this together! What gorgeous scenery!! I have not been able to photograph a dragonfly- my goal..that is just a terrific capture- Your wise..better to play it safe. I enjoyed all your images! Have a wonderful weekend-

  7. The worst part about hiding.... is having to come back! ...

  8. Fabulous photos. I agree with you, sometimes we just need some time on our own - I have started walking again early in the mornings - an hour all to myself!!

  9. And this was a nice kind of hiding..!

  10. These are breathtaking shots. Magical. I wish I had a place to hide as lovely as this! Thank you for sharing.

  11. Enjoy your solitude :) Your photos are stunning. I am sorry to hear of the fate of your bees. Thank you for your comment. I will visit again! Visit me anytime.

  12. You always seem to be at the right place at the right time. Maybe I should go into hiding! Once again, gorgeous photos!

  13. Oh I hear you! In a couple of weeks I'll be laying on a dock in the middle of a lake in the middle of nowhere...ahhh! I'm not as brave as you are when it comes to walking in the woods alone, though. Good for you for getting out there on your own.

  14. I love Your powerful hidingplace!
    So nice to have found You.


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