Saturday, July 17, 2010


According to our local paper the huge blaze (see previous post) and, on Wednesday, the largest wildfire in the nation, is contained.  Firefighters were able to protect human life and buildings.  There was no mention of how many animals lost life and home.  I doubt there would be any way to really know.  However, fifty-two power transmission poles and lines were burned to the ground.  The newspaper also said, "although the cause of the fire is still under investigation, he believes it was human caused."

Friday night DH and I went camping with a group.  We enjoyed an evening around the campfire and the weather was comfortable for sleeping in a tent.

On the way home we stopped so I could take pictures of some birds along the river.  
There were ibis--

western grebes--

an egret--

and an egret with more ibis.


  1. You have such an incredible bird population in the hood! They look like paintings. Hope they find the guy who is not Smokey's friend...horrible! Shite happens- I can only hope that the cooked animals died quickly and that the coyotes will have a feast.

  2. Blogger just ate my comment!! short version - fab birds photos, good news on fire!

  3. wow!!! beautiful.

  4. Beautiful pictures. I love thos egrets. There is sure a lot of smoke/ash coming off that fire when the wind blows.

  5. That fire looked like a bad one! Here we are also concerned about fires - we live against (although low down) the mountain, and very near to national parkland, and fires, especially in summer, are a huge problem. Some people own plots of land which they do not clear, with lots of alien vegetation posing a fire risk. Glad your fire was contained.

  6. Beautiful photographs Leenie. What a disaster that fire sounds

  7. So glad the fire is contained!
    They do that same sort of reporting in the central US with tornadoes. "Not a heavily populated one was injured...." What about barns and property and cattle and fences, etc.?

    Great bird photos. I'm not very good at capturing birds yet. I have a nice telephoto lens, but the darned things don't sit still for very long. :)

  8. I was wondering how the fire was going, and HOPEING it was contained. People are so careless and on top of that...if they find out who started it will have to pay the cost and possibly a jail sentence. Anyway thats how it works in Colorado.


  9. Wow, sorry to hear about that fire! Though I'm glad its contained, and folks are safe- a bummer for the animals! Your captures in this series are super- lovely reflections! I've always enjoyed camping (haven't for a long time) and this sounded so fun to me!


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