Thursday, August 26, 2010


A little over two blocks from our house is our county fair grounds.  It’s the venue for all kinds of events, from demolition derbies to small circuses.  But the County Fair draws the biggest crowd.

 Friends and neighbors gather to show off their produce and projects.  There’s a small carnival with rides of questionable safety.  Merchants set up booths and the aroma of a fine variety of greasy and sugary food fills the air. 

My favorite part of the show is the animals.  The farm kids exhibit their four-legged and two-legged friends all shined up and spiffy for the judges. 

 The chickens have such personality.  This big guy knows he has something to crow about.

This big red just looks like he has evil on his mind.  He’s the same kind of rooster that provided feathers for my Indian Headdress.

 Double winners.  Double gorgeous.

 This poor little lady is missing her comfy hen house with the quiet roost.


  1. Love the Buff Orps! They are my favorite chicken.

  2. Wow this is close by huh?! Convenient!
    Looks like a blast and you've captured all the sights and sounds..I'm sure the animals would be one of my favorites- I've always enjoyed chickens-and these guys and gals are good lookin! (Lol) you should see my dinner well as a few coffee cups! I can just imagine all the food! The other events sound pretty good to ! Well, hope you have a great weekend Leenie..its already around the corner-

  3. I don't know anything about chickens, but those are some seriously handsome beasts! I did laugh out loud at the "rides of questionable safety" - been on a couple of those in my day!

  4. Great photos! Love these kinds of gatherings! I wonder if the red rooster is a Rhode Island Red. They are my favourite. When I kept a few Rhode Island Reds in the country ,along with fresh greens and scraps,I fed them lecithin to make their feathers shiny and beautifully glossy. One farmer with scraggly chickens remarked that the feed would be more expensive than buying eggs.He was incredulous I bought the lecithin from the health food shop.

  5. The last photo makes me think of people who have to stay over-night in a hospital...oh to just have SOME sleep!


  6. my grandmother used to keep chickens and one of my strongest childhood memories was helping her to look after them. feeding them, taking care of them... this post reminded me of that and my grandmother.

  7. Malcolm's Dad used to keep chickens - when he was in a Home before he died, I would still buy him magazines about chickens .....

  8. I love the fair! Funnel cakes . . .

  9. So do the winning chickens ...uh know....get to use a lifeline for another year? Or are they in the pot pie the next week?

  10. Even in the photographs they seem to have such personality! I'm with the gal at the bottom... I like how blasé she seems about all the fuss.


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