Thursday, August 19, 2010



  1. Well I liked this and think your right- time does appear to be the canvas and eternity the present where we somehow compose the day (lol).. We have a chance to impact the future right? I think music is very important. Do you play any instrument(s)? It used to mean so much to me- still does but I listen less (I could use a better quality speaker system) but I'm referring to my computer. I will say life is very difficult though and so hard to look around and see so much suffering (or feel lousy)- yet, through Him I can have an understanding (if only in part) because it will one day make sense. I actually think there must be music in heaven..what about you?

  2. I like the first poem especially. My sister has these on her fridge and I had fun last time I was there-but didn't come up with anything quite so poetic.

  3. I love the idea of life as a symphony being individually conducted.

    And there's never enough time to do all we need to do...but it's great to slap the canvas with as much as we can.

  4. I like this very much Leenie - shall have to invest in a magnetic board I think.

  5. this is great... love the last two lines especially. so true.

  6. Your magnets must be better than my magnets! Mine are never quite so profound or enticing. Mine would smear the night with cream cheese...that 's just how they are- always about food.

  7. Excellent! My magnetic set is food related (no surprise there!).

  8. Oh, I like these! Especially the music one ... I once kept track of my fridge poetry creations - I am going to try and find it and post one for you!

  9. Coincidence! A few days ago I was in the Animal Welfare League op shop and saw a magnetic poetry kit. Couldn't wait to get home and play. On our fridge is says...
    "How gorgeous to sing
    and play
    Trudging through
    This enormous winterness."
    Not my effort. Husband's. Hadn't had it home for 5 minutes before he was fossicking and creating!
    I like your poems Leenie!


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