Monday, November 22, 2010

BIRDS, WEATHER & FOOD (three favorite subjects in ONE post!)

"I don't care.  NEXT WINTER we're going south."

Our plum tree ten days ago.

Our plum tree this afternoon.

Tonight the wind is howling.  Snow is drifting and schools are closed.

* * * * * * * *
 There were no figs at our grocery so I substituted chopped dates and raisins.  
 I didn't have Madeira so I used cranberry juice.
  And I added some peeled chopped apples. 
 And I didn't know what quark soft cheese was so I made a cream cheese frosting.
  And chances of finding kumquats were zero so I didn't even look.
 And I baked it in a bundt cake pan.  
So essentially the cake was nothing like Sarah's recipe. 
 But it was really, really good. 

This is the only photo I got before it disappeared.

Things are going to get real crazy around here for the next few days 
so I'm putting blogging on the back burner and pies and turkey in the oven.
THANK YOU to everyone who reads and comments on this goofy little blog.
Travel safe and eat, drink and be merry!


  1. Gorgeous photos! Sorry, but you're making the snow look really pretty :)

    And that cake looks scrumptious!

    Stay toasty, stay sane, and have a fabulous Thanksgiving, Leenie!

  2. I love your snow pics - easy to say when the temp while I am looking at them is 20 degrees Celsius, I guess! The plum tree in particular - gorgeous!

  3. Three of my favorite topics as well! What time will the pies be ready?!

  4. CAKE! Fresh trout- oh the things you do to me! I would think those little birds might be good - sauteed in plum juice and snow...little bit crunchy...
    You are such a thrill seeker in the kitchen! A new recipe with so many alternatives! It looks WONDERFUL!

  5. Happy Thanksgiving, Dear Blog Friend. One of my thankfuls is having met you!

    Once more HAPPY Thanksgiving!


  6. Aaaaah!



    (three favourable reactions in one comment)

  7. Oh Leenie..these images are just stunning-soft and incredibly..
    what can I say? It's like this makes you just stop and stare..reflect I guess. The little birds are pure delight- what a lovely scene!!
    I haven't checked out Sarah's link..and as I understand it, you winged it! I bet it tasted yummy!
    Well, you won't believe this husband's nephew showed up yesterday with an Ahi (lol)..uh, yes- he cleaned it!

  8. We have been threatened with snow from tomorrow - but it won't be as bad as yours!! Enjoy Thanksgiving with your family!!

  9. Happy Thanksgiving to you as well.]
    Stay warm and enjoy that cake and maybe toss the crumbs out to the birds. :)

  10. Snow plums! How amazing. I'm freezing here but no snow to show for it.

    That cake looks and sounds delicious - I'm not a big fan of figs unless they're fresh so I think your date substitution sounds yummy.

    Have a safe and happy thanksgiving!

  11. I'm finally here for some cake and it's all gone! It looks good! I will have to try it with your alterations. Tonight on Nigel Slater's cookery programme he made black banana and chocolate cake-it looked yummy and may be the next one I try!


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