Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The great thing about living in a college town... that there are so many creative people.


  1. lol! I love it, Leenie! And now I'll never feel like I'm having a bad hair day! ;)

  2. That snow student does indeed look creative- you should have her over for something not hot to drink and talk about painting or stitching or just the art of standing around...she could offer avant guard tips I would think...looks east coast-ish smart...

  3. That has to be the coolest snowman ever!

  4. Love it! Looks a little like my hair when I've just taken off my winter hat. (I'm always glad other people have kids to build snowmen so I can see them but not have to actually make them myself.(

  5. Didn't mean a frown, I actually meant a parenthesis . . .) Must be overworked.

  6. Wow..this is just gorgeous- really dreamy! What an enchanting scene but so out of reach for me! Stunning header too! Maybe why its even more magical! My younger son and his girlfriend are planning on a trip up in the mountains this weekend to pick some stuff for wreaths (and ride). So until and if and unless there is still some, and more I have a few macros of Snow bushes Leenie (ha ha)! Husband was the one who inspired him to get the bike but now he's been too swamped to go anywhere?
    Thanks for such a delightful visual this morning! Oh, the perky office lady with sparkly earrings still runs through my mind (lol)-:)

  7. I love it! We had more snow this morning, but fortunately not a lot!!

  8. Nice snow man, we see them here..only fake ones covered with cotton as it never snow here. Happy holidays....glad I popped over from Elizabeth's blog.

  9. You are an image of this charming and cheerful snowman.(*´▽`*)ノ゛


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