Sunday, January 2, 2011

JANUS--Gates, Beginnings and Endings

It’s nice to have a new year to work with, especially after one like 2010.  Some people really dear to me graduated to the next level and, although I’m plenty happy to still have time to work on my own game, I’ll sure miss having them around.

New people came into my life…

 …and brought with them joy and a reminder that life goes on.    I made new friends, and enjoyed the companionship and pleasure of other friends and family who tolerate me even though they know me too well.

Yes the year had its losses and challenges, but blessings far outweighed adversity.  And speaking of weight…

 …over the summer I got myself down two sizes... one—pound—of—butter—at—a—time. And I kept almost all of it off over the feast weeks in spite of the chocolate.

I also reached another goal. 

I finally read the Old Testament all the way from Genesis to Malachi.   Okay, I didn’t read every word.  I kind of skimmed over the pages and pages of how to gut and cut up sacrificial animals; and also the chapters containing all the fine details of how to build a temple.  Some of it is SO tragic and some of it is amazing.  Although I’ve studied the Old Testament over the years, it was good to see it through from beginning to end and truly get the big picture.

I wish a great year to all of you.  I hope you accomplish wonderful things and survive both your victories and crashes. 

As for my goals for 2011…I’ll let you know how that goes in about twelve months.


  1. Every year has its good and bad, and I find the beginning quite unnerving in some ways, not knowing what to expect. I am impressed that you have read all of the bible, and that your dress size went down by two! I could certainly do with that one as I have not escaped the fattening aspects of the season!
    Hope 2011 brings lots of good things your way!

  2. I'm guilty of skipping over the temple building details, too!

  3. Awesome sauce! Our church is reading through the New Testament together in the next 40 days. I'm looking forward to it. And I've never read the OT cover to cover. You're a brave one. There's a great book out by Phil Yancey, The Bible Jesus Read, about the OT. Good stuff.

  4. Sacrifices, slavery, surrogate wives and concubines - they lived a pretty full life. A lot of smote-ing going on. Most of the biblical print is too small for me these days, though I do like those flimsy-thin pages!
    Have a wonderful 2001 Leenie. Re your comment, some astrological sites seem to stress the demands of parents, particularly matriarchs this year, on Aquarius so I'm not holding my breath regarding leisurely hand-stitching (unless in waiting rooms!).

  5. Happy new year to you Leenie and here's to you achieving your goals whatever they be.

  6. Happy New Year, Leenie! May 2011 be a joyful, peaceful and beautiful one for you and your family.

  7. It looks like you had a great year and I hope you have another one. I hope your hubby's ice fishing is also good because that means I can catch a few.

  8. I like the idea of keeping us in suspense over your new goals. Besides, it adds to the idea of focusing on the possitive, which is always a brilliant way to begin the new year. You are amazing for reaching such monumental goals in one year.

  9. Dang- looks like you are desperate for reading material. I can send some so-so novels- rather disappointing reads them for my birthday. I usually don't like novels anyway- I like "how-to" books- don't think the old testament is good in that regard unless I want to know how to "dash my child's head against a stone".
    Great job not gaining sixty pounds over the holidays! Your belt is as big as my bracelet!

  10. You're crazy: you never know when you will be called upon suddenly to build a temple...

    happy new year to you. terribly envious of your small waist!!

  11. Or the begats...those of soo long. Although, I LOVE genealogy! Still I've sat through some very long talks about finding so-and-so in church that was ever so boring. So I always skip the begats. NOW if I could connect to one of the begats....that would change.



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