Monday, January 10, 2011


My sweet Dear Hubby spent two days and one night in an expensive hotel this weekend. Not by choice.  And, although I spent a lot of time with him in his room, I didn’t stay the night.

After coming up with the same symptoms that put him in surgery two years ago, his cardiologist told him to check in.  I got to sign all the papers while he got the V.I.P. treatment and an escort to his room on the fourth floor.

Although the staff were caring and considerate, and housekeeping did a fine job; the room service was appalling.  I didn’t tip anyone.

The recreation options weren’t great.  They gave him rides down the hall and up and down the elevators several times a day to take pictures of his internal organs. Leisure activities involved having stickers stuck all over his chest which were attached to cables. Plus he got regular finger and arm stabbings and tummy proddings.

 The view wasn’t great.

 Although we did get to see the medevac helicopter come and go twice.

After all the prescribed tests, 
we had to wait for our doctor to return 
to go over the results and give us a diagnosis.
We waited.

I saw more football than I’ve seen in years. We watched the Saints lose...

 …and the Packers win. 

 Love those tight ends

 We waited some more.

Finally Doc arrived.  He said after analyzing the results of the tests that he didn’t think surgery was necessary.  He gave DH a list of dos and don’ts, some new meds; and the option of spending another night or going home to sleep in his own bed with no beeping monitors, hourly wakings, weird sounds from adjoining rooms and some of the worst hospital food ever.

It was a tough choice, but he turned in his high fashion gown and chest stickers, and I took him home. 

It’s so good to have him back.  If he wanted stickers and a ride or two in an elevator he should have just said so.  I ‘m still mad at him.  He scared the crap out of me.


  1. Oh Leenie- how scary! I wondered where you wandered off to...DANG! I know what you mean about that particular hotel! Fingers crossed Mr. Man will be OK for another 60 years or so!

  2. Oh no! Poor him. Poor you... Is it heart related? Whatever the diagnoses, wishing you good health. Thanks for kind thoughts on our weather dramas over here.


  3. I'm so sorry, but so glad that he came home. You are one of the few people who could twist such a gut wrenching ordeal around and say it with love and quirkiness. You're amazing and my prayers go out to you both.

  4. Oh heavens, Leenie!! I'm glad he's okay, but what a scare! Certainly glad another surgery wasn't in his cards. I hope it stays that way!

  5. OH! MY! HEAVENS! I'm so glad is he ok. What a scare for you and for him! I glad it was just a change in medicine! Prayers are with you and your husband! Hugs too.


  6. Yikes! Glad he didn't need surgery!

  7. Oh dear - poor you ... and poor him!! I hope he keeps well and there are no more visits to that awful place!

  8. Phew - DH's have a horrible habit of doing that to their DWs!
    So glad your's is home.

  9. Those trips to the hospital are absolutely no fun.
    Glad to hear your husband was able to go home without surgery. I hope he does well and doesn't take another hospital "vacation" for a long time.

  10. Oh my God, Leenie! I'm so glad he's okay...though, really, these hotels need to smarten up, don't they? The rates they charge you'd think know how to show us a proper good time!

    I'll keep you all in my prayers. It's beyond upsetting to go through all that...

  11. Glad everything turned out good. I'm sure you and hubby are too...

  12. Scarey for you Leenie. My husband keeps in close contact with his cardiologist, keeping an eye on things.A good cardiologist is worth his/her weight in gold.Glad your husband is home safe and sound, and all the best to you both. Hopefully you can relax a bit now.x

  13. I am so glad he is ok! I am not surprised you were scared!


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