Tuesday, February 15, 2011


(More stories of our ten day visit to the Yucatan in January 2011)

Franchises have pretty much choked out 
any small businesses in our town.  
Here at home when we go out to eat we have a choice between: 
Dominos or Pizza Hut
Wendy’s or Jack in the Box, or;
Taco Bell or Taco Time.

Therefore, it was so enjoyable to sit down in

a restaurant like the Cueva del Pescador 
that is locally owned and where the 
fish on my plate had been swimming only a few hours earlier.

 We liked this grilled sea bass with mango salsa 
so much we returned for a repeat on another day.  
And the shrimp stuffed avocado was not to be missed.

The locals, like this grackle, loved the food at these restaurants as well.

 Another favorite eating place was La Buena Vida
 with a sweeping view of Half Moon Bay.
The menu featured a variety of fresh food and was the 
only place I felt comfortable ordering a green salad.

 Turtle Bay Café had tasty huevos rancheros 
on their breakfast menu, and when we got there early 
the bakery had fresh sticky buns and cinnamon rolls.

 Their fruit smoothies were a perfect compliment

 to the shredded chicken burrito with pico de gallo.

 One of our favorite after dinner entertainments 
was laughing behind the backs of oddly dressed tourists.  
Then we hoped they didn’t take pictures 
of our goofy clothes when we walked away.


  1. Thank you for sharing relaxed and precious smiles of you, happy married couple at the cheerful resort island.(/^-^(^^*)/♪

  2. I love that shot of you and hubby, Leenie! Those smiles sum up exactly what getting away to the sun and sand and sea really does for a soul.

    Your food photos - everything looks soooo good!

    Is there anything more fun than people watching? :)

  3. It is more than FUN to get true native food. Great post!


  4. The ubiquitous ball cap- a must for tourists everywhere! Swear to GAWD- you look about twelve years old.
    Little wonder that you are a good cook - not much to choose from outside your kitchen walls, unless you go FAR from your kitchen walls! Which you did do, and I have envy!

  5. you look like you had a fab time! and what great food :)

  6. I can't understand people who go abroad, then treat the local cuisine as if it will poion them - and don't get me started on the stupid women we overheard in a supermarket when we were on holiday last year - they were looking for 'proper' (ie British) food in a Spanish shop!! There is a certain kind of British tourist who wants to have a 'full English breakfast' and English beer. The only 'foreign' thing they want is sunshine!!

  7. Grackle??? That's given me a new word for Scrabble, and when queried, as I inevitably will be, I can confidently say ... Oh, don't you know?It's a bird from the Yucatan". Thanks Leenie, and love your holiday pics!


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