Friday, March 18, 2011


Thanks.  L. S.  you're a true friend.
Yesterday I came from the hospital after my interior remodel and repair. The operation took two and a half hours. My surgeon said everything went well and there is no bad news. A big THANK YOU goes out to family and friends who've sent along good wishes and prayers.  I feel like I've been stomped by a buffalo.  Thank heavens for pain medications. I'm not doing any sitting for a while so I'm kneeling to post this blog.  Dang, I wish I had a laptop that could do what my Dell can do!  

Another good thing.  I had no problem adjusting to the time change.


  1. Just can't keep a good girl down! YAY! She LIVES!!! So glad that you are doing well (ish) and are back on your knees blogging ! Such devotion! So glad to know that all went well- whew! That was a long time for me to hold my breath...Sending well wishes and love!

  2. Only a dedicated blogger is willing to kneel to keep the posts coming . . . lucky us! And I know I speak for everyone when I say we're absolutely delighted to see you back today.

    Take good care this weekend and soak up all the special treatment you can. You've earned it! Hope you're sitting around again soon.

  3. So glad it all went well and there was nothing untoward in your innards! Take care of yourself, love Anne x

  4. Glad it went well but sorry it hurts! I hope you can sit and blog soon rather than kneeling! Get well soon!

  5. OH! WONDERFUL! THIS IS EXCELLENT NEWS! I was wondering and now I know!


  6. Yay! I'm so happy and relieved that all went well. I'm happy that you are able to type (even if it is only from a kneeling position which is actually very impressive), but don't overdo it!

    I hope now that the stomped-by-a-buffalo feeling is a fleeting one, Leenie!

  7. Get to healing quick! You show that buffalo who's boss! Funny, my word verification is "ammutar" which reminded me of "amateur" and "Avatar" together. Maybe you'll laugh at that since you're taking pain killers!

  8. I am so happy to hear all is well, Leenie. Somehow I got confoozled and thought your op was last week and burnt a candle on the WRONG day!! But ha! it worked anyway! The good rays of love and energy probably took some time to wend their way over the Atlantic to you.
    Take care with your remodelled interior and GET WELL SOON!

  9. I'm glad of hearing good news.
    Take care, please.

  10. Here's wishing you a very speedy recovery.

  11. Whew! Continued prayers and good healing thoughts.

  12. Yay! Yay! Yay! So happy to hear the good news! But knee blogging? For me that would be ouch ouch ouch!

    All my best.


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