Wednesday, April 13, 2011


So what do I do with this false start?

How about--turn it upside down and splash on some primary colors.

Then define a few shapes and add some values.

This will have to do.  I can see some design problems,
but they would be difficult to fix.  Time to move on.


  1. That is a magical transformation!

  2. I like the ghost bottles in the first picture
    but what a magical transformation as Sarah said.

  3. Ooh -- I've gotten a bit behind in my self-absorption this week . . . your bottle painting is absolutely beautiful. Unbelievable. And your non-bottle painting is also just lovely -- I'm terribly impressed that you didn't let that sit in your unfinished-and-false-start pile for five years before you did something with it. You're such an inspiration to me!

  4. What a great transformation!

  5. Super transformation. Next time I have a sewing faux pas, I'll try turning it upside down!!

  6. Oh I DO like that! The bright colours and the composition and the cleverness of you! That is a way cool painting! Very good to see through the false start - it is so easy to get stuck- you are my hero!

  7. As always your carefully chosen and sparse wordshelp to accentuate the creative process that you go through. What a phenominal painting. There's so much emotional power behind it.

  8. You can catch various objects with comfortable colors made from your imagination.
    I envy you d(゚-^*)!


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