Sunday, April 10, 2011


Although I’m really feeling fine, I’m still 
under doctor’s orders to stay away from heavy lifting. 
So looking out the window at my garden 
in dire need of clearing of winter debris is making me crazy.

To take my mind off that, I decided to take on 
the challenge presented by an article in my
 April issue of Watercolor Artist called “Grappling with Grays.” 
 Laurin McCracken teaches how to mix an use grays in watercolor
in a most enticing way.

I set up a still life picture for reference.

I got this far in my first attempt and decided
 the background was getting muddy and dark,
and the size was wrong.  So I started over.
(after looking at it again, it has a lot of potential. Oh well...)

 I wanted the focus to be on the glass 
so I totally dropped out the background 
and went to work on the bottles with a limited pallet of cool grays.

 This kept me busy for several loooong hours.

(transparent watercolor by E.B.  18x12 inches on Arches 140 c.p.
(this  painting has been sold but many others are available here)

 But I’m pretty happy with the final result.


  1. Absolutely stunning, Leenie! You are a gifted artist! It's gorgeous and YES - sign that masterpiece!

  2. Wow, that

    You can see your garden? Ours is stll covered in snow. I really hope we get cherries this year.

    Love love the painting.

  3. that is beautiful!!!

  4. WHAT?!!! Leenie this is the most fabulous painting in the universe! How you can paint water and sky baffles me but see through glass!!! WOW! You should have more surgeries- I think it inspires you!

  5. Beautifully done - so full of light. If you pulled up all those weeds now - there would only be more next month - they can wait, enjoy the time being creative.

  6. This is just absolutely lovely! As Talon said, you are truly gifted. My gosh, when I was on bedrest with my second pregnancy all I did was lots of Soduku!

    Your abandoned attempt looks good to me, too. You know, there's this book I read to my girls called "Beautiful Oops" about how even "mistakes" in art are just an opportunity to do something unexpected. It's been a wonderful resource when my perfectionist five-year-old gets upset that her art doesn't look quite like mommy's. Anyway, it's a good resource for adults, too-- I make lots of beautiful oopses!

  7. Your painting is stunning - I can't begin to imagine how to paint a picture like that!

  8. I love it. Seriously, Leenie, absolutely love it. Sign it. Give it away to your followers.
    :-) This should be on a wall.

    Do I sound giddy? I am enchanted by people with artistic talent.


  9. Leenie, this is marvellous - bloody marvellous! (Sorry, I have just seen two British films in a row.)

    Your skill is fantastic - I am in awe. Well, I guess "fantastic" is not the right word as that would imply that it requires no effort and I am sure you have worked hard to attain this level. I love it - the grays and muted colours, the light - all truly beautiful!

  10. WOW! You are amazing!


  11. Leenie I really like the way you use your time. I love this process. Good job. Get better soon. b

  12. That is amazingly brilliant! I love it!
    Don't worry about garden mess-it will still be there when you are ready for it-just stick to the painting!

  13. Wow, those are amazing. Even the picture is fantastic. Those totally need to grace a wall. Miss you!!

  14. Between you and Stephanie, I'm really wanting to learn to watercolor. Beautiful.


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