Sunday, May 15, 2011


Some are pragmatists,
taking things as they come
and making the best choices available.

Some are idealists,
standing for principle
and refusing to compromise.

And some just act on any whim 
that enters their heads.

I pragmatically turn my whims
into principles.
Bill Watterson


  1. LOVE the tag line in your header. And I love the bird shots. :)

  2. Put a bird on it Miss Leenie- a crowd pleaser! You got very close without scaring it away- you are ninja!

  3. Sweet photos Leenie. Watching sparrows the other day in an industrial area while sitting at the traffic lights. Came to the conclusion that 99% of their foraging was rejected tiny micro-pebbles. There are definitely some territories better than others to be a bird, and those near you look like they've hit the jackpot!

  4. The finch look so reflective, Leenie. Super captures! I love that quotation.

  5. I love this you are very insightful. Great photos. B

  6. Interesting advice!
    These words give us an insight how to choose. Whenever I choose a thing, it depends on probably my hunch.(LOL)

  7. Great words and an adorable bird!

  8. great match of words and pictures Leenie, you have the touch

  9. I think I am number three bt without the benefit of number four! The bird is trying to decide!

  10. What a sweet little face! You've reminded me to fill my birdfeeders.

  11. first time here - coming over from Pearl's blog.
    Good matching of pics and words. Now I need to find out more on Bill Watterson.
    Even with their beauty and song, birds bring some crap with them. I was just cleaning some off my mailbox this morning.


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