Friday, May 6, 2011


Yesterday morning I was standing on the canal bridge 
near our house.  You can see the blue roof of our porch in the upper left.

This was the view from the south side of the bridge.  
The canal provides passage for irrigation water from the river 
to farmland on the other side of town.

On the north side of the bridge debris was being cleared 
to make way for the spring filling of the canal.

The water flows under the bridge…

…and on its way to give a drink to potato and hay fields when the weather
 doesn’t cooperate.  Once again our neighbors can tease us
about having waterfront property.

As I walked passed the golf course I could see what I thought 
was a dog running down the fairway.

Nope.  A coyote on the way home from a night of hunting.

I’m guessing it is a momma on her way back 
to feed a den of babies somewhere near the river.

She wasn’t slowed down by the sand trap.

On my way back home I noticed the canal was almost full.

It’s a good thing.

There are a lot of dirty birds in the neighborhood.


  1. Leenie I love the photos. OK not the coyote one I am still a little miffed at them. Have a great weekend.

  2. You do have great wild life where you live-coyotes, wild cats up polls, moose, and you manage to capture them so well! The coyote looks like an alsation to me.

  3. wow coyotes too. never seen one in my life.

  4. Ah Waterfront property! The birds are loving that water! Great shots of the coyote..we have them too, we can hear them but rarely see them.
    Happy Mothers Day! It looks like you have spring! :)

  5. Wow. Just happened upon your blog ... its a different world where you are! Coyotes? Have heard of them .. in old hollywood westerns, and the like.

  6. Love your photos. And wow! A coyote on the golf course. We only get kangaroos...

  7. I love that you capture all the life around you, Leenie. I'm playing catch-up now and smiling at the coyote's purposeful trot.

  8. I had to laugh at the Robin! Cute! And the canal...boy does that ever look familar, only the trash in ours takes a backhoe to remove!



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