Wednesday, August 17, 2011


When you look into a forest
Can you only see the trees?
Do you see the size of sunlight
Through the elbows and the knees?

By the houses and the fences
Can you see the shape of skies?
Do the pieces of the atmosphere
Appear before your eyes?

Silence is a part of music.
There is hot and cold to feel.

Think negative, you'll find in art
That nothing's very real.


  1. For getting out of negative mind, it might be a useful method to set various confusions of our mind in order. Your suggestion is slightly like the surrealistic.

  2. Very good! At first I thought you were showing us sewing pattern pieces in a negative light.

  3. I like's a much more creative - though I expect nothing less from you, Leenie:) approach to how one views the world. Is it all good? Or is it all bad? Can one exist without the other? Okay, I'm getting philosophical, but please forgive me - I'm battling a nasty eye infection and squinting as I type and I'm on my first cup of coffee :)

  4. This is absolutely true Leenie. Negative shapes can be so interesting.

  5. COOL! I love thinking negative and you have just given me another reason to cultivate more negativity! Thank you! When drawing the negative space shapes everything and makes it more curious- drawing or painting the what isn't - so much more interesting.

  6. You ALWAYS have such interesting posts!


  7. Loved this.

    Out of the negative and into the positive,


  8. I always think negative ;) -- but in a good way :)
    However, I am thinking positive about your blog!

  9. so cool really do think outside the box!!

    me....i'm predictable!!

  10. Your poem? LOVED it -- hope you don't mind if I add it to my collection. The image of elbows and knees is brilliant...awesome visual as well, of course Leenie, but you had me with the words!

  11. I love this you certainly had me thinking. Great job. I thought you broke a piece of china and were going to super glue it together whew! :) B

  12. Oh I am a slow learner..I finally figured it all out..after ten minutes. Good one:)

  13. I like it, I like it a lot! Nicely done!

  14. I must say art school taught me some useful things -- like looking at negative space
    and my daughter taught me to look not just at the thing in photos but the shadows.

    So we should all do eye exercises!

    Happy weekend.

  15. (Hahaha. When I saw the heading I thought, well, this is me. 'Think negative' is my middle name.)

    You are very clever, Miss Leenie. Your art and words, as always, are spot on.


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