Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Okey, dokey, Maurice. I admit it. The plan failed.

Painting with watercolors, for me, has a big choke factor.
When I'm working in my sketch book on inexpensive paper
with no pressure except to play, I can come up with some
pretty loose and appealing material.

This is a study I did from instructions in Watercolor Artist
magazine on carving out lights by painting around them.

Then I go to expensive paper and start on something I hope to put up for sale.
I'm working on a picture of a guy fishing in a lake.
I start with the mountains in the background and lay in
an underpainting of color for the water.

I add the trees and more detail to the mountains.  I'm feeling pretty good
about it, but the next step is to wet the paper and drop in pigment to 
indicate the trees' reflections.  My timing is wrong plus I tried to
keep the purple of the mountains going with the green of the trees.
Long story short, the pigments spread too fast and the colors turned
to mud.  The more I tried to fix it, the worse it got.
I admit it.  The plan failed.

Back to the drawing board.  Same drawing.  This time no purple
to muck up the green.  This time I have the brilliant idea of
putting in the reflections first, then painting the trees to match
instead of the other way around.

I add the trees and more details.  I protect the fisherman
from the wet flow of paint by blocking him out with
liquid masking fluid.

I remove the masking and finish the painting.This time the plan worked!
The plan worked, Maurice!


  1. Oh wow! How you do that I don't know. The water looks so real! The plan really did work! Beautiful work. Love the sketch book picture too.

  2. I love it you fixed it perfect. I love hearing about the whole process I know nothing about watercolour I know a little about Litho print making as my brother is a Master printmaker but that is it.
    It is beautiful. B

  3. Very beautiful ... you've really captured a moment and so lovely to see the process - I LOVE seeing an artist's process. cheers, Susan & Gang

  4. Because I know nothing about painting a picture, seeing the steps is very interesting. Please do this again sometime!

  5. Wow! Wow! I admire your talent.
    I'm surprised to know how to paint the beautiful picture from your lecture. However, difference between how to do and how I can do is a lot. ε=´Д`;

  6. you are so very talented!! in so many ways!!

  7. Beautiful! Watercolor is a terrifying unknown medium for me, and this post did little to solve the mystery, I have to say. But way to un-choke! I live with someone who would really, really like to own that painting...

  8. Oh so that's how you do it! Hmmm let me try...I'll get back to you.

  9. You tricked- some measure of talent and skill is required! I made army green everything with black sticks poking out. Thanks for telling us how you do it but ...nope. You have magic in you!

  10. Absolute fascinating..and GORGEOUS finished result!

  11. I don't know one thing about watercolors, except that they run. It's so interesting to me to learn something new. My daughter is working with pastels in her class right now. Not her favorite medium. :)

    Your painting is beautiful!!! A glass blower once told me, "You have to be willing to fail or you can't call yourself a real artist."

  12. Oh, but I love it!

    You're very talented. I'm a great admirer of artists...


  13. Oh and i absolutely LOVE the first shot of your weeping fruit. Very cool!

  14. Fabulous - the best bit for me is the rings of water around the fisherman - I haven't the least clue how you would do that!!!

  15. Oh I enjoyed the step by step process..you are very talented! I took one painting class a long time ago..and one drawing class..I was so disappointed because all he had us do was look at objects and draw them without looking at the paper..I should have demanded a refund:(

  16. I am struggling with drawing and painting as new skills to learn - and finding it very difficult, so it was interesting to read your comments - especially to see the photos.

  17. Very beautiful! You are extremely talented, my friend!


  18. It is very interesting to see how to make painting with watercolors. I was amazed and fascinated!! Especially I love the blur reflection of the trees in the river. So beautiful!!
    Best wishes,

  19. Brilliant, and a wonderful way to bring across a point. I feel the same way when I'm writing a story. It seems like the most inspired ideas are the ones that are ephemeral.


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