Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Only a few minute’s drive from our house 
is a heap of sand so big that people come from 
hundreds of miles away to play there with dune buggies, 
four-wheelers and motorcycles.

Our family has been known to join in the insanity 
of careening over the dunes without any way of knowing 
if there’s a cliff or an oncoming vehicle over the next hill.

 This time we just played in the sand.
We pretended we went to Tatooine to look for 
womp rats, banthas and jawas.
Failing that, the youngsters decide to re-create...
the Great Pit of Carkoon to capture prey.

Keeping an eye out for Tusken Raiders, 
Young T works swiftly on the excavation.

Baby J helps.

Young T makes a hole big enough 

to hold Jabba the Hutt.

He fits!

They use The Force to put their victim under a spell.
He surrenders his wallet, his keys and his cell phone.

Quick!  Bury him before he regains his senses.

Wow.  How did that happen?

You kids come back with my car!

How cute, he's trying to dig himself out.

Baby J helps.

He's getting out...RUN!


  1. cute. just stay clear of the motorized vehicles!

  2. These are awesome! What a cool place.

  3. I love the sand people especially the cute baby J. That looks like so much fun. Awesome place. B

  4. Keep on keeping on enjoying summer...


  5. Oh, Leenie! This is so cute!! :-)

    What a nice-looking family you have...


  6. you always have the funiest posts. i think i have said that before!!

    jabba the hutt is a good sport ;) what a cute family!!

  7. Snad in the pockets and funny sunburns. :) got to love the dunes

  8. Snad? How about snad in the bathtub, and the carpet and the car and....

  9. Oh yes- snad in the panties of Jabba I will bet! These dunes look awesome- I prefer mud but snad might be fun...Baby boy- I want to squeeze him a lot...
    Stella and I missed you at the lake- we raised our adult drinks to your health!

  10. I want to enjoy a sand bath at there, and want to try a sand ski along the slope. (*'ー'*)

  11. Looks like fun, and like summer is still in full swing for you. Which is exactly as it should be, right up until the moment your teeth start chattering. I must say, I am impressed by your impressive Star Wars lexicon....

  12. snad gets everywhere! What a fun day..oh the Baby J is a looker..I could cuddle with him!:)

  13. This looks like a fun way to spend an afternoon. Where are these dunes? They look huge.

  14. See, I'm with TexWisGirl--I was a bit worried that someone would come over a hill on a 4 wheeler and plow into you.
    On another subject--I really, really hate sand in my clothes and just seeing your sweet hubby buried made me all squirmy. :)


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