Saturday, November 26, 2011


West Yellowstone, Montana:  gateway to the world’s oldest national park,
 a tourist town in every sense of the word during the summer.

In the winter the place is almost deserted.  Snow falls heavy and deep.

You are as likely to see a snowmobile going down the street as a car.

Thanksgiving weekend the town fills with skinny people on skinny skis.  
It is the Yellowstone Ski Festival.

Skiers dress in classy matching team outfits….

…or not.

On the other side of town things are a little less manic.  
Instead of skiers putting down their heads and going like a bat out of hell, 
there are people on snowshoes and families on cross-country skis meandering.

People like me.

I’m taking photos of ice,

Mother and daughter snow angels,

 Mossy logs,

 A turkey in hiding…if you can’t see him you know he’s hiding really well.

A ski trail that freaks me out a little.  
Ever since “Wizard of Oz” I’ve been spooked by long green halls. 
  A condition made worse by “The Shining.”

Scenic views of Yellowstone Park in the winter,

 A beautiful sunny day on the ski trail,

Out of nowhere I see dark clouds boiling over the mountains toward me. 
I do a quick u-turn.
 Suddenly I’m standing in a blizzard. 
  I put my head down and go like a bat out of hell back to town.

What the guys were doing while I was skiing.


  1. Yay, SNOW!! But how can one go about with bare arms - surely it must be cold? PS The turkey made it past Thanksgiving with its hiding skills, so let's hope it gets past Christmas too ...

  2. Your activity looks much more fun than the fishing! The long green hall makse me think of Narnia-another place I would rather not go!

  3. I don't want to be chased by Jack Nicholson as trapped by such a blizzard, I prefer to stay at "Hotel California " even if I can never leave.

  4. looks like a great day full of fresh air and exercise! that blizzard came in fast, though!

  5. No snow here this year yet although last year at this time we had a downfall. Yours is lovely to look at - in photographs!

  6. Oh darn now I am in want of snow. I knew you were going to love those snowshoes. I wish I lived closer I would love to go with you. You get the greatest photos while wearing snowshoes.
    I was out walking in our balmy Canadian 10c weather looking at the new green grass, very weird but I am not going to complain just yet.
    Love the green hall thingy. :) B

  7. What a way to spend time. I'm still smiling over the snow angels. I hope you and your family had a beautiful Thanksgiving, Leenie. It's good to be back and seeing your awesome photos again :)

  8. wow.....gorgeous white snow!! when i see pictures of it, i want it. when it comes, not so much!!

  9. Sometimes there are good reasons to lower one's head and go like a bat out of hell.



  10. Yes I agree with Sarah- very Narnian! The photos are gorgeous! And yes, I do see the turkey clearly! Beautiful mountains and snow and blizzard- so glad I don't live there!

  11. Wow! It has snowed a couple times here, but not enough to ski. I am terribly terribly jealous.


  12. What a nice outing! I have never been able to watch all of The Shining..I am a chicken..that Jack is such a bad boy.
    Good thing you headed back..I don't suppose you had survival gear along.
    Looks like Fishing was miserable:)

  13. Lovely photos of the snow - much better than seeing the real thing!!

  14. Charging like a bat out of hell in snow shoes? You really did get good at that! :) Beauty pics.

  15. Oh I LOVE it!! Your winter looks like mine..I'm so excited:D
    You know what? It only takes me about 8 hours to drive to you. Want me to bring my skis???
    I want to go down that tree trail. I won't yell to scare ya- promise;)

  16. OH, my snow and snow and more snow. Not here yet, but I'm sure it's coming.......



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