Thursday, December 29, 2011


Not too long ago I commented on someone’s blog that what we need in Idaho are shorter winters.  Normally our weather during the last week of December…

…looks like this.  Snow dumping on us like a thick, cold, wet blanket; 
forcing us outside to get our morning exercise like it or not.

We invest in snow throwers, snow shovels, snow tires, 
snow suits, snow mobiles, snow boards, snow skis, etc.

We roll with it, drive in it, enjoy it, even revel in the white stuff that will eventually fill our lakes and rivers with water.  Okay, after a few weeks of those drifts on the road we start checking the calendar for June when we might see green grass again.

Not this year.  What the heck?  
We’ve got NO SNOW and record-breaking warmness.

Is this weird weather the warming of the planet which, according to the Mayan calendar, will result in total destruction in 2012?  Is it all that sludge China is blasting into their air, heating up temps all the way over on this side of the Pacific?  Has Russia finally found a way to control weather and is sending drought to the United States

Personally I think some Canadians up in Alberta finally realized all the arctic air was escaping from their hockey rink and closed the door. 


  1. We have snow and cold. Cold enough that your nose sticks together when you go outside.

    I could stand for a tad bit warmer weather.


  2. Let me preface this by saying, I AM NOT COMPLAINING (in case any higher powers with meteorological control are listening) however -- it is beginning to feel a bit eerie in Minnesota, with the open water and all. I'm not sure whether it's China, Russia, or Canada, but somebody's messing with something somewhere...

  3. Ha! I like your last theory too! I'm not complaining about warmer than usual temps...I don't like thawing water lines and freezing my fingers when I feed calves.

  4. I am missing snow-after the last few years it seems almost guaranteed-though not to the extent you get it. But this year it is mild, grey and windy. The sun comes out for about ten minutes a day and then goes in again and then it is night. In fact here reminds me of Linda Sue's descriptions of her weather!
    I want snow! Do you want it or are you enjoying the new type of weather?

  5. Yeah no snow here I just talked to my sister and she had been shoveling all day was it terrible of me to laugh? Enjoy it will change I am sure. Love the Alberta joke Dawn did it:) B

  6. haha....this time, last year, we had 32 inches of the white stuff. i was outside today in flip-flops and a sweatshirt. i should take a picture of the front lawn, it's as green as could be!!

    mother nature sure had been "odd" this year!!

    nice photo's!!

  7. Apparently, the Albertans wanted to share some cold with the Ontarians so we've had some snow yesterday and today. Mind you, it's supposed to rain tomorrow. It's been a really strange weather-year, this 2011. I wonder what is in store for 2012! Whatever it is, I hope your New Year is a beautiful and bright, Leenie!

  8. It began snowing here last night..looks like Christmas now:(

  9. Cleveland has been all rain and little snow, exactly the opposite of last year where we didn't see grass for about 3 months. The water table has never been so saturated!

    Happy New Year!

  10. It's those Canadians with their beedy little eyes! ;) Yep, warmer here in Ontario, too. Kind of freaky.

  11. I'm not sure, but I sense some sort of conspiracy afoot!


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