Monday, December 12, 2011


Thomas and I came to a compromise a long time ago.  If he won't sleep on the couch (thus leaving behind hair that decorates our guests' tan pants) I'll let him sit on the back of the couch so he can look out the window and fulfill his job as neighborhood watch.

All goes well most of the time.  He keeps track of the vagrant squirrels, passing dogs and feline intruders in his kingdom and still keeps his sheddage to a minimum.

But in December we put a tree in the living room covered with dangley shiny things which he is supposed to leave alone.  To make matters worse the couch gets moved away from the window to make room for the tree.

Thomas still roosts on the back of the couch even though he can't see out the window.  

(Before I got the camera out he looked more like this --a thinner Thomas look-alike)

Then the paparazzi shows up up with cameras flashing 
and completely ruins any possibility of a nap.

Bah, humbug!


  1. I'm with Thomas on this one- What's all the fuss- it should be all about Thomas, you know this, yet you still bring a tree indoors with a forbidden sign on it and move the watching perch...some people!!!REALLY!

  2. Oh, does Thomas have his Santa suit on or is he truly round?

  3. Linda Sue: He's ROUND so he can balance over both side of the sofa.

  4. You made me smile and laugh and chuckle! Get post...and pet Thomas for me...he needs extra.

    I remember seeing a Santa with deer like that at my aunt's. Yours is so well cared for. Items like that which become part of family tradition take on a value of their own. I also remember tiny glass horns that could be played hanging on the tree when I was little--played too much and then gone <:(
    I was talking to a lady who has big bucks to spend. She said she doesn't decorate her tree with all the old stuff and the things her kids made. She goes in for the showpiece tree all color coordindated and impressive. I was thinking, "WHY?"

  5. Great pictures! Thomas looks like he just might (ahem) rule the roost! :)

  6. lol! Thomas's expression in that last photo is priceless, Leenie!

    Missy thinks Christmas trees are jungle gyms. Stripey basically ignores them giving one of those Thomas looks whenever he passes by.

  7. Hahahahaha...Oh I LOVE these photos! Just made me smile, what a kitty!:)

  8. hahahaha -- Cats are the masters of the perfect bah humbug look, and are almost certainly the Scrooges of the animal world (they have a soft creamy center, but they never like to show it!)


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