Monday, January 2, 2012


For the past few years I’ve made a point of NOT making any New Year’s resolutions.  It’s worked pretty well for me; no pressure no guilt, shame, no self-reproach.  If I manage to discontinue some stupid habit, at least for a little while, or accomplish something out of the ordinary I pat myself on the back and go on about my routine.

Then I happened to be in a place to hear a good friend lecture on goals and self improvement and how a plan not written down is just a wish and blah, blah, blah….

So in a moment of weakness I wrote down five things I think I can accomplish in the near future.  I even made a little chart in pencil on graph paper.  NO computer file to come to light at some embarrassing moment, NO indelible ink so I can’t change my mind (I’ve already got out the eraser twice).

It is the afternoon of January second and I’ve kept three promises to myself, slacked on one and have another to go.  I’ve also realized this is a leap year.  That means there are 366 days in 2012.  It’s going to be a LONG year.

January second ’12. One two. One two. 

(thanks to Bill Watterson's Calvin and Hobbes for the cartoon)


  1. you made me laugh - pencils and erasers. hey, whatever works!

  2. You can do it :)
    I heard you are supposed to make your resolutions realistic and easily obtainable so I have also put together a list. #1 being I will lose 1 pound. Seems realistic and achievable. Now a couple more like that and I can do it too.:) B

  3. You're ahead of me...I didn't even make a list! :)

  4. I make it a point never to use a pencil without an eraser nearby...and just writing them down took you a step further than you usually go, so pat pat pat on your back. Happy January!

  5. I didn't make a list. my race scheduling I did. But I'm too scared to do so in other areas;) (sigh)
    Good for you!
    (And as for your comment on the eggnog? I don't know if he drank all that much. More like just licked the carton clean and really was complaining there was no more left;)
    Happy New year to you!!!!

  6. Happy New Year, Leenie! And yes, pencils are so much more forgiving :)

  7. I should really tell myself to "drink more... eat more... sit on my butt more" etc, etc, seeing as though I like to do the opposite of what I tell myself. That could work. :D

  8. Yeah, I broke down and made a couple myself. But, I'm not telling anybody!

  9. Love the cartoon. I have stopped making resolutions, as it is just depressing when you fail. Recently I have accomplished far more by doing bits here and bits there, instead of working at one thing start to finish!!

  10. I love to have my goals where I can see and remember them, but as for posting them for them up for all to kind of depends on how ambitious I'm feeling. Usually it's the easier ones that get posted, pr the ones I need encouragement with. Not that I have figured out which ones fit into which categories though.

  11. You gave me a really neat chuckle. I needed it after having to do a rather tiresome chore!


  12. Thank you for the sensible critique. Me and my neighbor were just preparing to do a little research on this. We got a grab a book from our local library but I think I learned more from this post. I'm very glad to see such wonderful info being shared freely out there.


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