Sunday, February 5, 2012


Doo Doo Doo Lookin' Out My Back Door.


  1. American football - just one more on my list of sports that I know absolutely nothing about. The list currently includes, well, every sport. (But I like the drawing.)

  2. Being an avid Eagles fan (why???), I should NOT be a Giants fan. But...since my team was out of it, and I really don't like the Patriots, we were doing cartwheels here too! Kind of. :)
    You are so creative!

  3. Nice drawing .What is a giant? What is football? :) B

  4. We used to watch American football years ago, but I decided life was too short to go on watching it!!

  5. Anne: I agree. Football just for the sake of the game is too time consuming. Life IS too short. But there was a young friend who brought us unto following The Giants.

    Then the situation evolved into a room full of friends and family of all ages and an impromptu Super Bowl Party with plenty of game food, plus our team won. Can't ask for a more fun for a few hours.

  6. Well that would get my attention, randomly passing through suburbia...

  7. I like the cartwheeling footballer. Were this team in the superbowl? My friend Graham is a big fan of American football and we alwasy used to have a mini superbowl party when we were at college-though it was often on really late at night. Fun though!

  8. 'Were' looks and sounds horribly wrong-should it be was?!

  9. I'm with Buttons on this...but the drawing makes me smile!


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