Saturday, March 17, 2012


When you see a sign like this just a few blocks from a university campus you might expect indignant co-eds at such brazen sexism.   Or at least you’d expect a young man or two checking out the merchandise.

You’d be right about that part.

 In a town where moose mosey, skunks stroll,
 groundhogs ramble and bunny rabbits roam... 

…baby poultry at the feed store…

 …are the closest thing we have to a zoo.

There are all kinds of fowl creatures waiting for a ride to a local farm.

 To make sure new owners get what they want, 
these new chickens have been bred so the boys can be 
distinguished from the girls without much problem. 
See…baby birds aren’t like mammals when it comes to 
checking out…..well, you know.

 Although even at this young age 
there are plenty of other discernible differences.

 But like all babies they are all cute and soft and need a lot of sleep.

 Charming, yes, but keep hands off.

 Here are more peeps ready to take home.

 Don’t be fooled by the peep pretenders.


  1. So cute...and soft and fuzzy!

  2. Lenny comes to mind...
    and my Mother who, as a child, did hold the little chicks a bit too fondly. She didn't mean to love them so hard...

  3. Don't we all love chicks and ducklings? I reared some chicks under a broody hen last year - four girls and four boys. Now the knotty problem of what to do with the rather skinny boys has arisen, so I shall not be rearing any this year.

  4. Love the chicks.
    Unfortunately, when we lived in Morocco, they used to dye chicks flourescent colors before holidays and sell them off to the little kids........not too happy an end for most of them, though occasionaly one used to see a much bigger chick wandering round with pink tips to the wings.....

    Got to mail some Peeps to my daughter in England!
    I had (happily) forgotten about them.
    Happy Sunday.

  5. You crack me up!!! I miss baby chicks the ducks little beaks just make me smile. B

  6. My sister raises chickens. Some of them might think they're dogs...


  7. Really cute! Are you going to have a couple or four for your back yard?


  8. Awww! I always feel like Spring has officially sprung when the chicks are here! ;)

  9. Which kind did you buy? The real ones or the marshmallowy ones? :)

  10. Oh wow-chicks at the local store! We were going to have some chicks at school-you can get them on loan. But as we are moving we can't. Next year!

  11. Very cute. I wish we had room for chickens . . . *sigh*


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