Friday, July 27, 2012


The weather here is sunny.  And hot.

Maybe our temps are not as hot as yours. But we're just not used to HOT.

A lot of us don't even have a.c.'s here in Southeast Idaho.

We're melting! Melting!  Oh! What a world!


  1. You have the cleanest windows!! I'm assuming you took these through a window. :)
    I love when the squirrels look all "chill". Sorry it's so hot at your place.

  2. CeeCee: zoom lenses are very forgiving to dusty windows.

  3. Those are the cutest shots ever. My squirrel is so jealous and is packing his peanuts to move to Leenie's place. Still cold here- today is dark. blah blah blah...

  4. That's hilarious! Never seen a squirrel that relaxed. Or dying of heat. That squirrel looks just like me over these last few hot spells. Our AC is broken. Boo!

  5. Hilarious don't worry about yourself I hear you are a good witch:) B

  6. Hahahahaha! I've been enjoying a squirrel outside the kitchen window this week -- there's a bush that fills with purple berries that only last for about a week before the squirrel has it totally stripped (it's a BIG bush!) but anyway, yesterday when he was just about finished and almost seemed a little drunk, I looked closely at him and his face was stained bright purple! It was quite funny and I wished I'd been ready with a camera.

  7. Poor little guy...we have a small black one that drapes him/herself over a branch in the maple tree every afternoon for a while. So cute.

  8. I think that squirrel is a professional model.

  9. LMAO! These are some of the funniest squirrel photos I've ever seen! I would love to hang that last one on the wall in my office. Absolutely hilarious! Awesome shots!

  10. Hilarious set of photos. Our squirrels are always scampering for the tree, as if a slow poke dog were a threat. Then too, we don't have a fence.

  11. Delightfully real! Love it!


  12. i can relate...i feel just like that squirrel!!

  13. Hi ! Squirrely ≦(o・⊥・o)≧
    I know very well what is the matter with you.

    Since mid-July, temperatures have been above 35 degrees in many parts of the country in Japan. Many people have been sent to hospitals with heat stroke.

  14. Fabulous photos - I hope you went out and fanned him, and gave him cooling drinks!!

  15. Wonderful photos. You should send them to the local paper, but then I guess there are a lot of squirrels around your way. Husband and I go into excited fits if we see them on overseas travels. We don't have them in Australia- so that makes your heat affected squirrel photos even more unique and hilarious to me.

  16. I can't believe that squirrel - hahaha! They are lovely shots! Glad you are having hot weather. I am sitting working in front of a heater with hand cozies and a scarf.


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