Saturday, January 26, 2013


Although I live in a small university town I still seem to have roots deep in the manure of the dairy farm where I grew up.  So I tend to gravitate toward blogs written by farm and ranch wives.  

One of my blog friends, Alica, at “Happily Married…to the Cows,” works a dairy farm with her family in Pennsylvania.  Early in January she put up a post explaining what happened around the dairy on a routine morning.  Among other things she had a load of laundry out swinging in the breeze well before breakfast.

The picture she posted was exactly what I had been looking for.  I’ve been wanting to paint a watercolor of clothes on the line but the weather was too cold around here to find such a thing.  I requested permission to use her photo as a reference in exchange for a color study I would do in preparation.  She was kind enough to help me out.

I used her beautiful laundry, took out the house, added two baskets, 
plus a cat and soon had a sketch ready.

Then I did a small color study which I’ve sent to Alica.

When I started on the final piece I had fun making a background of foliage by first masking out the laundry so it would stay clean and white, then splashed and spattered greens on my paper.

Then I put in the baskets and the cat 
and a little more color to some of the items on the line.

Anyone who knows cats would understand how they like to keep a person company when there is laundry to be hung.

I added the painting to my Etsy Site, Watercolors by Leenie.  In a couple of days it was purchased by a gentleman in Seattle.  The internet is an excellent way to get buyers together with products.

A couple of years ago I put up a post about doing laundry the way my mother did.  I’d found an instruction pamphlet among her belongings and noticed that she had taught me to hang clothes on the line pretty much by the book.

I encourage you to check out not only my post about mom’s laundry book but also the interesting and entertaining comments that followed from all over the world.


  1. LOVE Alicia's house! It is IDEAL! Your painting always perfect in every way,Ms. Leenie! Can you imagine trying to dry laundry on a line up here?

  2. I love it, Leenie! You did a marvelous job with the painting! The cat, underfoot, watching, reminds me of our yellow lab Snickers. That's exactly what she would be doing. Thank you! :)

  3. That laundry is floating in the breeze--nice job, Leenie!!

  4. My mum told me to hang pillow slips by the open end so the breeze could get inside. Still like to hang mine out when I can. No fabric conditioner will ever match fresh air. Love the painting, no wonder it was snapped up.

  5. you know, i never saw a more inviting line of laundry...blowing in the breeze...i can just about hear them snap in the wind...

    amazing take on your friend's photo. beautiful watercolor. i LOVE the background AND the kitty!! wow!! and congrats on selling it!! lucky man who bought it!

  6. A perfect drying day, I'd say.
    I remember hanging shirts shoulder to shoulder, one clothes pin for two shoulders. The marks ironed right out--in the mangle.

  7. Beautiful picture. Brings to mind my mothers washing line. And cats...they just want to get in the basket.

  8. Wow! Nice work! That turned out great! We had a clothesline in our yard when I was a kid. You don't see them much anymore except in the country.

  9. Oh Leenie I am speechless a very unusual thing for me.OK Back Beautiful. Alica is an inspiration to all. HUGS Congrats on the sale. Lucky Seattle man. Hug B

  10. I looked back at your original post - and saw that mine was the first comment on it! I still hang out the washing the way my Mum taught me. I love your painting - and I can see the wonderful one you sent me as I type this!!

  11. Oooh, that's one of my favorite paintings of yours I think! Except the one I own, of course...just unpacked it the other day with a sigh of contentment. Your blog feeds on so many levels...thanks, Leenie!

  12. Hanging the laundry is a dying art. That instruction book might be needed again one day.

  13. You are talented! Love the cats expression especially! I can see why it sold quickly...

    and hanging laundry is not going out of fashion anytime soon-esp. in Montana... ;)


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