Wednesday, January 16, 2013


It was so cold--when we opened the door to the house the little light in front would turn on.  Shadows froze to the sidewalk, and the idea of weather-striping the border between Idaho and Canada sounded like a really good idea.  So what did we do?  DH and I went through with plans to visit an even colder place.

We drove over the border and up the mountains to Jackson, Wyoming.  We’d made reservations weeks earlier to enjoy a little out of town time, and once temperatures go below zero what’s a few more degrees?

We took our snowshoes but never saw a rational reason to use them.

 We just stayed in the Subaru and drove into Grand Teton National Park to see the sights.
If you look carefully in this photo you can see what is called "diamond dust,"
or tiny ice crystals in the air that reflect sunlight.  This phenomenon happens
when the air is well below freezing.

 Even at double-digit below, the scenery is jaw-dropping gorgeous.

Although the Grand Teton looked like she was trying to warm up 
by wrapping herself in clouds.

 Most of the time we had trouble even seeing the top of the 13,776 foot (4,199m) peak.

Still, you can see why she is called, The Grand.

 These mountains rise out of the valley floor like fangs.  
They change from moment to moment 
depending on weather, lighting and the viewing angle.

 Down at the end of the line is Mount Moran.  
We can see her from our home two hours away in Idaho.  
Up close she is magnificent.  
This kind of sight is well worth braving Arctic weather. 
Although it was nice to have a warm room to go back to.

I took a bazillion photos.  Next time I’ll show you the elk.


  1. Wow! These are gorgeous shots! Those mountains are fantastic! I would love to see that in person!

  2. It's 45 in California this evening. I was doing well with the space heater blazing away at my ankles, warming my bottom as I read everyone's blog. Now I've read yours and I'm shivering. Going to make a cup of hot tea now and try not to be a weenie.

  3. Snow!! Snow and now diamond dust. I want to see! No, I want to experience! Maybe one day...

  4. Oh you know I am so jealous.:)
    Diamond dust Love that. B

  5. Brr...... I wonder if you would mind me using your 'diamond dust' phrase for one of my Wednesday 'turn of phrase' posts?

    1. Diamd dust is an actual weather term as referenced in the Wikipedia link. I don't own it so it's okay with me if you use it.

  6. I think I may have to go out for long underwear if you post any more snow pictures. :)
    Beautiful! Can't wait to see the elk.

  7. I ALWAYS love your pictures--& today is no exception!!

  8. Wow! That looks an amazing place. I love the sound of diamond dust-I have never seen that. It is minus 3 here at the moment and I have a cold so I feel even more cold. Brrr! Look forward to the elk.

  9. They always surprise and never disappoint. You could have chosen less fridgid time to go but You are a pioneer woman and know things!!! Can't wait to see the photos of wild tigers and elephants and camel or whatever grows in them thar hills!

  10. Absolutely stunning scenery!
    I'm shivering just looking at your pictures...they really do quite cold!

  11. breath taking!!
    diamonds and magic all around. cool.

    i went to the grand tetons once, when i drove cross country from NY to CA when i was long ago, it's hard to remember. ha. thanks for bringing back the memories...and for putting up with the FREEZING, uh...BELOW freezing get these awesome shots!!


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