Friday, April 19, 2013


My morning walk took me exploring where automobiles are prohibited.

The street by the fairgrounds is seriously under construction.

 Our town is expanding and growing at an alarming rate.  New sewer is needed to drain the sludge from hundreds of new apartments built to house students at a university that was once a two-year college.

 A big party celebrating the 100th birthday of Madison County is planned at the fairgrounds this summer.  This puts a lot of pressure on the city contractors to get the big-dig done before festivities begin.

 “I love work; it fascinates me; I can sit and watch it for hours.” Jerome K. Jerome 

 A block away and within yards of our house is more construction. 

Heavy equipment like this rattles our windows and stirs up the dust all day.

 The assisted living facility across from us is putting in more buildings.  If I had money to invest I’d put it into assisted living. The glut of Boomers is quickly becoming gobs of old geezers.  At least this place is close enough my kids can just shove me over there in a wheel chair when the time comes.

 Our narrow little street was getting heavy traffic with all the detours so the city put up this sign.  Now we live on a closed road.  Keeps away the riff-raff.


  1. I saw a lot of heavy equipment, but a worker in only 2 of the pics--& I think he was the same guy!!

  2. fishducky: Even though it was very early in the morning there were plenty of workers; mostly inside the cabs of big toys. The second construction site didn't get busy until a little later.

  3. Yep..I'll vote for the assisted living residences...I'm one of those gobby old geezers lol.

  4. WOW! Most other towns are struggling...what is causing the growth?


  5. Linda: Something called BYU-ID.

  6. Oh you make me laugh. I love the pipe shot I think this is the season for all things big and noisy on the streets:)
    About the old folks home I like the way you think you do make me laugh. Hug B

  7. We just had construction completed after almost 2 years of work. It is so quiet now! I thought I was going to go mad with trucks backing up and the "beep, beep, beep, beep".

  8. I love that second picture. So much to look at. And the one with the digger arched over the worker. What I covet is a Road Closed sign.

  9. That is how our city is - everywhere you turn, more and more building going on...until I can scarcely remember what it looked like even two years ago!

    That one shot of the humongous sewer pipe reminded me of a huge speaker, Leenie! :)

  10. That's some serious construction, especially with pipe that big! Hope they get it done before the celebration.

  11. Gobby Old Geezers----you make me giggle. :)

  12. I bet you heard that backup beep in your sleep!!!


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