Friday, May 3, 2013


When we drove in and parked by the garden we discovered we were being raided.
I'd spent the afternoon digging up weeds and trimming my rose bushes.  When I was through, I'd turned on the sprinkler long enough to give everything a good drink.

We live next to a canal and our neighborhood ducks had discovered the fresh dirt and the food exposed by all my fluffing around.  DH complained the ducks were stealing his fishing worms.

I snapped a few shots with my cell phone before we got out of the car and went inside.

The drake and his wife realized they'd been discovered and tried to blend in.

I got my camera and took a few more photos of the thieves in my garden.

They soon had their fill of bugs and worms and then helped themselves to the seeds the other birds had tossed out of the nearby bird feeder.

They seemed to be pretty pleased with themselves and weren't in any rush to return to their nest building along the canal.  It has been a busy day for all of us.


  1. LOL! I've never seen ducks in a flower garden before!

  2. You & the ducks were busy, indeed!

  3. They chose the right garden to have a meal in! I love the way ducks look at you when they get close. I once sat in Kew gardens with my friend and we fed a mallard som eof our sandwiches. He was looking up at us with a cadging expression just like dogs do!

  4. They'll be back now...often.

  5. lol - love ducks. They always make me smile. Last year I was awoken by a duck quacking like crazy (we live in the city) and I looked out our bedroom window to see him on the neighbor's roof. It was truly strange as I'd never seen a duck on anything but the ground or flying. :)

  6. I think that is so cool. You will have little bitty duck sometime soon.


  7. Maybe they'll bring their babies for snack some day. They won't forget good worms! :)

  8. Simply beautiful colours...lovely!

  9. We have neighbourhood ducks too - always delightful to see them wandering about with their ducklings -luckily our house is fenced off from the park - otherwise they'd be in my garden too and it's just that ducks can be a bit messy - actually a LOT messy.
    I like your photos.


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