Monday, June 10, 2013


Nothing says summer like a Farmer’s Market.  Last Saturday found us among a huge crowd soaking up the sun and the fun of the event.

The spring has been a good one for gardening and the pick of the crop was there for anyone to take home for the right price.

 The organic produce was a feast for the eyes with a promise of deliciousness.

 Sold, of course, by a gardener with a sufficiently rustic appearance.

 There was lots of music.  I particularly liked this mother/daughter/sister quartet.  Even the baby was singing.

Dogs were more than welcome and all the ones I saw were well mannered and enjoying the day out.

The booth that sold dog collars and doggy treats also had free ice water to get their customers through the warm weather.

 There was a plethora of interesting arts and crafts.

Even an expensive rope only holds it ability to keep an effective loop for a short time. The friendly people at this booth had collected discarded ropes and fashioned them into attractive baskets decorated with weathered wood and other pieces of cowboy gear such as the rowels from spurs. The baskets were so unique and tempting that I finally brought out my cash and walked away with a small one.

 Of course there was plenty of food.  The Italian Gelato was especially popular as was anything that smelled yummy.

 Artisan breads were for sale everywhere.

 With plenty of honey for sale by the keepers of the bees.

The market was scheduled to last until two in the afternoon but most booths had sold out by noon.   We thoroughly enjoyed the morning and still had more day to go downtown and shop some more.


  1. It looks wonderful!! How great that some of the booths sold out!!

  2. I love Farmer's markets and the unique things that can be found there! Rope baskets! :) There are a couple big ones here, and they are so fun to visit. In addition, we have road side stands by the gazillions around here...everybody and their brother sells produce at the end of their driveway. It's that time of year!

  3. I enjoy the eclectic assortment of the groups, and especially the musicians. Our farmers' markets have been going for the last month. Always a treat.

  4. Oh now this looks like a place I would have loved to go with you. I love that rope bowl good buy.
    I love Farmer's Markets and Farmers:)
    Hug B

  5. Your rope bowl is a great buy! I'll bet you will try making one yourself!

    Thanks for the fun trip!


  6. Now I want some bread and honey. Crumb Brothers. Heh, heh.

  7. They are fun places to get photos and veggies.


  8. Loved my visit to your market, Leenie. Our local one is my go-to place on Saturday mornings. Actually, my header pic right now is from our local market. :)

  9. So much to enjoy at Farmers Markets - produce, people and great weather by the look of the photos. We are rugged up for our Farmers Markets here in the Southern Hemisphere - and the hand-knitted hats and scarves are selling well!


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