Monday, October 28, 2013


Not much to inspire a new post lately.  
I've been blogging since 2008 and I'm nearing 800 posts. It seems the same things make me happy or crabby over and over. 

The sun and the moon keep coming up and going down every day.  Which is a good thing.

Early morning walks are colder and daylight shows up so much later.
Very few birds are left on the pond.

Most of them were wise enough to head south before the cold weather arrived.

A pair of eagles have been frequenting the trees around the pond.  That's probably another reason the ducks and geese are staying away.  This is a small private lake which belongs to the family of a good friend.  When I told her about the eagles she was a bit annoyed.  Seems they spent some big bucks having trout planted there and now the eagles are helping themselves to the free fish.

 I think they may have even driven away the hawks that usually use this power pole as a lookout perch.  It will be interesting to see what happens when spring comes and the hawks want to set up housekeeping in their favorite cottonwood tree.

Late autumn for me just means more layers to keep out the cold.

Soon the leaves will all be down and brown.  Snow is predicted this week.  I've got my windows washed so all the light possible can make its way into the house.  And I'm dusting off my snowshoes and cross-country skis. No need to be a prisoner of icy weather.


  1. You can always stock more trout, the eagles are spectacular.

  2. Oh snowshoes I am with you on that one. Congrats that is a long time blogging I guess you have been around:) Love the eagle trout story it is kind of funny don't you think?:)
    Take care and I wish I could snowshoe with you when it comes. Feral has snow:) Hugs B

  3. Snow or no snow, your pictures are ALWAYS beautiful!!

  4. Oh my, your second sentence sums me up completely! I long ago realized I could not blog every day. I ran out of material.
    Love your pics and while I love bald eagles, I wish for your friend's sake that they'd move on.

  5. My friend was delighted with her landscaped pond full of goldfish - not so delighted with the kookaburras that feasted on them. She eventually placed chicken-wire over the pond but it made it ugly and difficult to clean. Same dilemma - kookaburras are such wonderful birds.

  6. Love you pictures...I guess those eagles, while beautiful, can really wreak havoc with one's plans for stocking fish! Never thought much about that before. I'm looking forward to some winter time pictures! Last year we didn't really even have a real winter.

  7. Summer, spring and fall are just way too short! I know for a fact that I am cold from Halloween to Memorial Day.

  8. Great moon shot! And I love the eagles even if your neighbor doesn't.

  9. Autumn will continue for a little while longer..Snow comes, it goes, winter will slowly wind it's way into spring....

    Thank goodness for that one right?


  10. Another things that stays constant is that you always have beautiful photos on your blog! PS Re the funny globs in the cup: they are a kind of succulent, but this is the first time I have seen them flower!

  11. The eagle birdies are grand! Nice shot, Ms! I have friends who wanted a pond but did not want the hassel of mosquitos and stuff so they gather about a football field of flat black river rocks , put them side by side to form a pond of rocks no water- also planted water grasses around it. It looked fantastic! But water birds crashed into it , it was so realistic! They hauled all of the river rocks back from whence they came and now have a patch of grass there instead. No more bird splat! Love your photos as always!

  12. Beautiful Scenes !
    I feel the promise of winter around the corner from your pictures.


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