Monday, January 6, 2014


Last month DH and I took a little drive over the mountain to Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming.  There wasn’t much snow and the big elk herds hadn’t yet made their way down to the valley floor.

Still the buffalo had gathered there to graze and take it easy like a bunch of domesticated cattle.

We noticed two young bulls squaring off for a little shoving match.

Like a couple of bored adolescents they were trying out their muscles and their fighting skills.

They seemed pretty evenly matched…

…and made quite a show of stomping and swinging their big heads.

They were totally oblivious to the scenic surroundings that would stop a tour bus in its tracks.

Then off to our right we noticed a couple of bigger bulls tromping over to see what was going on.

When the big guys showed up suddenly the youngsters lost interest in their head butting contest.


  1. Nice story, great scenery.

    The bulls remind me of watching my son break up a fight between my grandsons.

  2. Oh, dear. When I saw the small version of the picture at top, on my Blogger dashboard...I thought a car had slid off the road. Those things are HUGE, even laying down.

  3. Not a lot of difference between human & buffalo adolescents!!

  4. I wouldn't want to take on one of those guys, with those horns, especially. What a view they have, though. Nothing like majestic mountains in your back yard!

  5. what lucky timing, they are magnificent.The buffalo aren't bad either! WOW! Great shots!

  6. Oh Leenie I LOVE these photos buffalo are so very cool I would love to have them here but I would really love you to ship me a few of those magnificent mountains:) Hugs B

  7. that's some scenery

  8. Love it. Adult supervision and discipline!

  9. Isn't that wonderful? I am in absolute awe of buffalo. Have only seen them in person twice, and their size is just so dang impressive...


  10. How cute. I guess grown ups are grown ups even in the animal kingdom.
    Hope 2014 brings good tidings your way.

  11. They are so typical of a bunch of bulls everywhere!!!
    Excellent post!!


  12. Lucky buggers surrounded by all that beauty! :) Awesome captures, Leenie!

  13. Wow! I know it wouldn't be a good idea but I just want to touch them! Those thick woolly coats look so tempting! Love all your pictures.


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