Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Some of you may recall my laments a year ago about my self inflicted stay home permanent hair-do.

It's been a year of bad hair days.

So I let the fuzz grow out.

My hair finally reached a point where I could think about something like this.

Or maybe this.  Which would probably...

...look worse than this.

See, the trick to a good haircut is to start out with a nice face.

Then even something silly will look great.

On me a short Carey Mulligan... 

Would end up more like a Jim Carrey...

Or worse.


  1. Shave it off and start fresh.

  2. I'm sure you look GORGEOUS!!

  3. As long as you don't look like that guy in the movie Eraserhead.

  4. Still laughing at the last one, especially! Looks like my Amish neighbor...and by the looks of it, he's still single! :)

  5. lol! I cut my hair off about 2 years ago. Much edgier style than I would normally wear (not quite a Jim Carrey) and I love the ease of it so much. Having thick hair means spending a half-hour blow-drying so now I can basically fluff and go. :)

  6. Hahahahaha! Thanks for the smile at the end of my day! I've been hair-challenged since birth. One of my Dad's friends called me "chicken-feathers" as a child because of my sticky-up hair, and the name stuck. Now I just have thinner chicken feathers :(

  7. We, human beings have been constantly bothered by hair problems from birth to old age. ||||||/(´ω`;)\||||||

  8. I cut my hair short over a year ago because I thought it would be easier. Ha ha. It IS cheaper, though, it takes me an hour of working with it before I can be seen in public, so I just stay home. And don't spend money. Well, except Amazon doesn't require looking decent. I'll be interested to see what you come up with, I intend to copy you.

  9. Don't forget to show us what you come up with!!


  10. I think I should live at the hairdressers - because the ONLY time my hair looks like it should is while I am in there...

  11. I just go to Best Cuts and ask for the senior special. What the heck, I can't see it.

  12. Well, what did you end up with? A cut, another perm, a coloring???
    It's funny how we beauty in others (Carey Mulligan), but assume we'd look like Jim Carrey if we were to try the same haircut.
    Silly self esteem. It gets in our way sometimes.


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