Tuesday, August 26, 2014


The main reason I went to the Oregon Coast was to visit the ocean and the rain forests there—so different in so many ways from high, dry eastern Idaho.  Along with other watercolor artists I spent some pleasant hours sketching and dealing with the challenge of a dramatic change in humidity.  Below are a sample of what I brought back.

Surf and Beach:

Garibaldi Marina:

Sitting in one location for an extended time is so different from rushing about trying to check off a list of tourist attractions. For example the scent of low tide, dead fish and the cedar sawdust from the nearby sawmill were heavy in the air at the Garibaldi Marina.  While there I watched the trollers (not the same, I learned, as trawlers), bringing in their catch.  I watched the guys in the fish house skillfully clean and fillet out huge salmon, tuna and halibut.

Trail through Old Growth Forest:

View from Cape Falcon:
I only took my sketch book and watercolor pencils here.  The hike was a little less than two miles but it was a switchback trail UP to a point so high we could look down on the flying sea birds.  While I sat there I discovered I was in the path of a little orange caterpillar.  I shooed him away but he kept marching back through the weeds.  I also had some interesting conversations with fellow artists and the hikers who came and went.

Manzanita Beach:
This one I may frame for myself.  It reminds me of a relaxed afternoon watching dog walkers, sand castle builders and joggers enjoy the beach.  The challenge was keeping sand out of my paint.


  1. I wonder how many understand what hard, hard work it is, exercising such talent. Art is work, I've said it before. I like looking at what you make.

  2. All good, the marina is my favorite, next is the beach.

  3. You are brilliant and there is no getting around it, You could probably take a burnt stick and a bit of bark and create a masterpiece. Your paintings are SOOOOO fabulous. Good job going off on such a beautiful adventure!

  4. To be able to paint water like that-especially the waves breaking on the beach-you are so talented! I love the others to but the waves breaking -wow!
    I did have to re-read the last sentence about sand in your paints!

  5. Gorgeous as always, Leenie! If you had one of Cannon Beach and Haystack Rock,I'd seriously consider buying it!!

  6. Dang! How'd you capture the essence of the ocean like that?

  7. Wonderful work. My admiration and compliments!


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