Sunday, December 28, 2014


On Christmas Day we woke up to almost a foot of fresh snow on the ground.  After opening presents and stuffing ourselves on turkey, some of our family adjourned to the yard for snowman construction.

The snow was a little dry and it wouldn’t roll.

The kids took it as a challenge and resorted to stomping the snow down in storage tubs.

They stacked the big hunks up with plenty of decisions on design and engineering.

They went so far as to take some of the snow inside to warm it up enough to use as mortar between the blocks.  Complaints from inside followed.

The snowman grew in size and personality.

 Finished product!

This morning we got up to discover even MORE snow.  Beavis was soon putting our new snow thrower to good use to dig out our driveway.  I’ve drawn a red line around the snow on top of my car so you can see how much had fallen.

 When the guy with the snow plow came by to clear the street we welcomed him with mixed feelings.

 Note the big wall of snow he is leaving across our parking area.

Still, the snow blower took on the drift and sent it high into the air.  When Beavis was through there, he went across the street and plowed out our new neighbors.  They are from Taiwan and haven’t had time to tool up for Idaho weather yet.

Just for fun here is a little animation of what it's like to be inside when Beavis goes by the window with the snow blower.


  1. Very kind of him to look after the least it was dry and light snow.

  2. The older I get, the nastier snow looks.

  3. We don't get snow in Los Angeles--can you mail me some, please?

  4. Is the snow man signaling a Touchdown?

  5. Mr. Snowman turned out well. At first I thought he was going to be a blockhead.

  6. It sure looks like your family knows how to have fun! Love the monstrous snowman!


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