Saturday, April 4, 2015


What do Diane Keaton, Kathy Bates, Richard Gere and George Clooney have in common?  Okay, I’m not talking about their outstanding dramatic skills, but their classy silver hair.  They’ve been my inspiration as I’ve considered accepting my greyness. 

I’m done with dyed hair.  At least I’m heading in that direction. I’ve been contemplating going back to my roots for several months.  Then I was pushed over the edge when I tried using a product I got from a beauty supply store to just “add a few highlights” to some strands over my ears and on top.  All the hair I treated turned pumpkin orange.  It was not a look I liked—at all.  In fact it gave me nightmares. 

The next morning I gathered up any small fragments of courage I could find, called the beauty shop, made an appointment and soon found myself sitting in that chair showing Megan a picture I’d found on the internet. 

A few hours later we were both pretty okay with the good, although to me, shocking results.  The white strands weren’t as silver as I’d hoped but I was assured that could be fixed over time.

I’m hoping that as my true colors grow out, they’ll blend in to my new ‘do without too much weirdness.


  1. My husband's grandma maintained peach-colored hair until she got sick and couldn't dye it. It's so much prettier as a white-grey. I don't have any signs of grey yet, but I'm hoping to accept it with dignity when it come.

  2. Good for you. My 49 year old daughter has had steel grey hairs since she was 16. I've seen it natural only once, when she was nursing number 2 and worried about dying it. It was drop dead gorgeous. A few grocery store remarks about her grandchildren and she was back to henna. It's a soft brown now.

  3. I think that's a good look on you! My grandma had beautiful silver hair, and went to the beauty shop every week. I'm not ready to give in yet, though the silvers have been trying to take over since my early 20s.

  4. had much the same experience several years ago. I went in to the hairdresser for a 'few' low lights and came out with a head full of mud. After shampooing a gagillion times and using bleach (don't judge) on it, I wenr TO a different hairdresser to restored me to a somewhat ivory colour which eventually grew out into the original white. Yikes. Never again.

  5. i think you look great in your new 'do'. i too am coming to terms with the sneaking in of the grey...and have pretty much quit with the 'blonder' highlights. i'll just let the grey be my NEW highlights! ha!

    happy easter...happy sunday!

  6. Happy Easter, pretty lady!!

  7. Very nice!

    I've never thought about dying my hair, and still thought it was pretty much blonde until an acquaintance I hadn't seen for a long time commented on how beautifully my hair was 'turning'. I wasn't sure what I thought about her comment, but decided to take it as a compliment.

  8. Looks good to me, dear girl. I can't be bothered with that coloring hair stuff.

  9. I like it! And I LOVE your bright smile! I'm all gray now and love it.


  10. Brave woman! I stayed away from any hair color until I was 45. My gray was coming in fast and furious at that point and I just wasn't ready to let it go. I think what you did was the right way to go. Dye it to head in that direction so you won't have starkly gray roots in otherwise colored hair. I'm sure the growing out process won't be so uncomfortable.
    Beautiful photo, btw!

  11. Looks good! I would like to stop dyeing mine at some point but my hairdresser says it is not as high a percentage of grey as I think. (She says fifty, I think a hundred) I will maybe wait a while but you are an inspiration to embrace the grey!


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